米娅 2010年4月20日 13:23:20



M: by the way, what do you think about Taiwan?
M: it's a sensitive topic between USA and China.
U: I think it is up to the people of Taiwan to decide their future
M: oh
U: that's what I think
M: i c. It's said that if Beijing gov. decides to attack Taiwan, USA asks Taiwan to try to survive for at least one week so the USA can arrive to help.
U: a good example...is Israel
U: a very small country surrounded by enemies
U: but...they are armed to the teeth with American weapons (用美国的武器武装到了牙齿)...and have survived all this time
U: Taiwan can fight off any attack from china
U: and china knows this
U: that's why china has not attacked taiwan
M: I think most of Chinese people oppose to have a war with Taiwan.
U: maybe in 50 years that will change
U: but for now taiwan is safe
U: and in time the two will be untited peacefully
U: because the people of taiwan will decide that
M: a lot of people in China like Taiwan's democracy so they don't like this gov. to rule Taiwan, I think.
M: if *****(此处删掉若干字),then things will change.
U: It could be the government in taiwan will be the rulers of China
M: not possible. the people in the mainland will have our own parties to compete for the rulers
M: I don't like Taiwanese to be our rulers.
M: we will have our own good rulers.
M: I saw some people could be good officers from the mainland and they are doing their work for the people now.
U: perhaps
U: but remember...Taiwan claims China as its own also.

M: yeah, they can compete for rulers but the votes decide which one is the winner.
M: of course, it only can happen when *****(此处删掉若干字)。
U: fair enough 

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