上一篇:中国达人秀 超自信凤姐没心没肺的唱(视频)
米娅 2010年8月13日 21:14:21

按: 我这里把他的食谱放到blog上了,他说他不介意我post聊天记录,他可能想不到这个我也会post,,我只是觉得看老外这么享受的谈这些我不怎么感兴趣的吃法,想想他们就这么一辈子的这么吃,倒是别有风格的. 

U: you are drinking tonight?
M: my landlord took a barbecue
U: where did he take it?
M: they had a barbecue party, just behind the building
U: many people there?
M: two other families, I think. They all speak Cantonese
M: ;)
U: makes me hungry thinking about that barbecue
M: (chuckle), not that tasty actually
M: too much meat
M: you people like barbecue so much.
M: we like to fry some dishes to treat friends etc.
U: I like spaghetti
U: with meatballs

M: Italian food
U: and garlic bread
M: :)
U: you like soy milk
U: :|

M: why do you say so?
U: because you told me so
M: hehe
M: yeah, I have a soy milk maker.
M: I like watermelon, grapes
M: you like apples
U: watermelon and grapes are the best
U: and apples
U: red apples

M: in the supermarket, the apples like to be covered with wax.
M: is that wax harmful?
U: i don't know...probably not harmful...but it is always best to wash the fruits and vegetables before eating
M: yeah, but how can you wash that wax off?
U: Are most people that live around you Chinese?
M: maybe
M: most of them speak Cantonese, I think
M: I don't know Cantonese at all.
U: what is the difference between manderin and cantonese?
U: Which is spoken in Hong Kong

M: it's like two different language. People in Hong Kong speak Cantonese and English.
M: Just so you know, about the last word of my first name, you people don't have that sound. ;)
U: how come
U: i can make many different types of sounds
U: last week I barbequed swordfish
U: with corn-on-the-cob

M: I like to fry them.
U: oh no
M: I like to steam corn-on-the-cob
U: fish must be grilled
M: it will be burnt
M: do you eat clams
U: yes...and octopus
U: i love seafood

U: so much seafood in Brooklyn
M: you don't eat feet of chickens, but eat clams. that's unreasonable
U: i never tried feet of a chicken...and its not unreasonable
U: a clam is food...a clam will be eaten by another animal eventually
U: nothing eats a chickens feet

M: the feet has just skin, meat and bones. but a clam includes all the organs.
U: clam with mustard sauce
U: good stuff

M: and octopus ...
M: do you take off its stomach before you take it?
U: the octopus legs and the suction cups(calimari) are good to eat
U: steamed with other seafoods...scallops...oh yeah...

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