上一篇:刘亚洲: 西部论
下一篇:中国达人秀 超自信凤姐没心没肺的唱(视频)
米娅 2010年8月13日 23:28:57


... ...
M: oh, I will check it later on. now, I should cook my dinner
U: i will be on and off

M: I will come and forth
U: what are you cooking for dinner?
U: Octopus with scallops?
U: :P

M: Beijing noodles with soybean paste
U: that would be a nice meal for me I think
U: you are making me hungry
M: it's easy and fast to cook.
M: if u want to learn, I can teach you after my dinner
U: i'm always willing to learn new things
... ...
M: the dinner is ready. it took half an hour
U: yes...i can smell it
U: delicious

M: :D
U: my mouth is excited
M: my landlord said, when I'm cooking, the smell of the food is quite good.
U: I suppose the landlord is begging for food now
M: they are not at home now.
U: any other spices you add to the noodles and soy paste?
U: i have this strange craving for sushi right now

M: one egg, one tomato, two greep hot peppers,
M: one cucumber
U: the green peppers!!!
M: look like that I eat alot (blush)
U: but you are thin
U: and no fat in the food you just decribed
U: maybe a little fat content in the noodles

M: I mean when I list them, it seems a lot of things
U: but over...carbs and protein
U: very healthy

M: sometimes, I fried some fish and added them to the sauce.
M: Japanese female fish
U: why japanese female fish?
M: its sting isn't that terrible.
M: you can take all of it.
U: what do you mean? the sting?
M: bones
M: fish bones
M: do you think it's quick? half an hour to prepare a dinner
U: i can understand about the fish bones
U: but shouldn't you remove the fish bones before cooking

M: what if you didn't remove all of them?
U: 30 minutes is a good time to prepare and nutrious and delicious meal
M: it's not good to have a piece of fish bone in the noodles
U: i understand...fish bones are not good in noodles, ice cream, wine ...etc
M: what can you cook for half an hour?
M: including wash, cut etc.
U: spaghetti
U: meat sause and spaghetti

M: similar with noodles
U: with a lettuce, cucumber, and carrot salad
U: and garlic bread
U: i like to make protein shakes
U: with milk, eggs, ice cream, peanuts
U: mix in a blender...chill for 20 minutes...and
U: lots of protein and energy and delicious

M: :O
U: oh yeah...and i like to add bananas and pineapples for more flavor
U: good stuff
U: good for athletes
U: I make this for *** before her swim meets
U: and after i go to gym...(sometimes)

M: sounds you are so capable
U: not really...its just fast and quick...no cooking involved
U: and drink from a straw

M: it usually takes me one hour for a meal from the beginning to the end, including washing dishes
U: washing dishes is no fun
M: but dishes must be washed
U: of course
U: unless one purchases new ones and throws the dirty ones away
M: one-time stuff
U: or has a dishwasher
M: can a dishwasher wash a pan or boiler?
U: yes...i think so...but you have to pre-wash it first...so might as well just wash it without putting into dishwasher 

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