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米娅 2010年7月26日 23:02:47

M: I try to find a picture and have a question about it
U: OK...i see the picture
M: our soldiers are told to fold the quilt like this.
M: When we were in training, we were also told to do so.
M: How were you told to fold your quilt in the millitary?
U: just very tight...with creased corners...nothing special....Our militray is more concerned with training in using weapons and thinking quickly and how to take command if the situation is needed.
U: i don't understand how making a bed a certian way is how to train a soldier
M: someone says that it makes the soldiers obey the orders by folding the quilt that tight.
M: some Chinese people really take it very seriously and are very proud of it.
M: it even can be a benchmark of being a good soldier.
U: I was proud to know that I could hit a target from 3000 meters away and my target could not see me
U: 127473083
M: what's that?
U: ?
U: the numbers was something from work

M: oh
M: I thought it's about that target.
M: our culture is so different from the west culture.
M: different standard for good and bad in some way
M: China is still a feudal autocratic society in some way even though people wear different clothes from the Qing Dynasty now.
U: yes...i guess China needs more electric guitars
M: It's said that Rock'n'Roll changed Russia, but the stars of Rock'n'Roll in China have different fate
M: one Chinese famous rock star ended up in a hospital for the mentally ill
U: The electric guitar was the weapon that won the Cold War.
U: I remember we were listening to rock music when we saw Iraqi soldiers climbing out of their burning tanks with their heads on fire...quite a show it was

M: there was a very famous rock'n'roll star of China. I had read an report about him. It said before he published some speech, his lawyer would check it, because they don't want to get more trouble.
U: I remember growing up...our heros were rock stars
U: and I suppose our future enemies worshiped some two-bit dictator
U: bad choice
U: let's see...Led Zeppelin or Saddam?
U: hhhmmm

M: our heros were from Hongkong or Taiwan.
U: your heros were bed makers?
M: do you mean soldiers?
M: for some time I really admired soldiers.
U: Not me...but I do think the German soldiers uniforms from WW2 look really cool
M: Nazi?
U: I found out that the Uniforms of the German soldiers were designed by gay men
U: no wonder they look so good

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