下一篇:La style(舞蹈视频)
米娅 2010年6月29日 14:40:26

(Sunday, June 27, 2010  on Skype):

U: hey...i was reading that Obama finally grew XXXXXX(此处省略n字)
M: what did Obama do?
U: the link
M: why does not USA just overthrow North Korean government itself?
M: it's quite easy for your country to do it
U: good question...i have no answer for it
U: it would easier for the North korean people to do that

M: see, USA is quite smart that it doesn't do it.
M: that government doesn't threaten USA or abuse Americans
M: USA doesn't need to do it.
M: what do you think the North Kearn trouble will be?
M: more sanctions?
M: will USA start a war against it?
U: more sanctions
U: North Korea will die on its own soon....so no need for war

M: yeah
M: Do you believe that they attached that South Korea's ship?
M: why did they do it?
U: of course they attacked the ship....to get attention...like always
M: more attention, more sanction. is it good for them?
U: are you suggesting a shark attacked the ship?
M: I don't know. I think that they know they should be careful to protect themselves. they know how weak they are.
M: do they really think that they are so powerful that they can start a war against South Korea?
U: they don't have the ability to start a war
M: then why is it that they attacked that ship then?
U: there are 5 USA submarines...sitting off the east and west coast of korea... with 15 nuclear missles pointed at Pyongyang....that is why they will not start a war
U: i don't know why crazy people do crazy things
M: I know that USA support South Korea
M: it's said there is a war game by 13 countries against CHina
U: where is this?
M: on Pacific
M: June 25
M: it will last to August 1
M: the leader is USA
U: well...the military has to spend all that money on something
M: the link
U: to secure peace is to prepare for war....or some nonsense saying like that
M: oh
U: it says that the US does this every two years...no big news
M: oh, China had a practice with Russia before
M: do you think there will any war about China?
U: you know...i don't think that war is possible between superpowers...too much too risk
M: yeah, there are nuclear weapons
U: exactly
M: I saw the South Korean News saying that two Chinese were beat to death in North Korea by the government.
M: What will happen if two American were beat to death in North Korea by the government?
U: i read about this also
U: i don't know
U: what is chinese government going to do about this incident?
U: nothing?

M: they don't even like to admit it.
U: perhaps they are glad because its two less people they have to beat to death
M: properly they just hate it that there are reporters speaking it out.
M: it made the government lose face
U: i find it difficult to beleive the chinese government is worried about losing face
M: they are brazen for sure
U: i wonder what the chinese reaction to Obama's statements will be?
M: the Chinese government or the Chinese people?
U: the government
M: I need to read that article to know the details.
M: wait a moment plz
U: (F)
U: (pi)
U: (^)
U: (h)
U: (rain)
U: (o)

M: I think that the government will try to make the things fade with time passing by
U: sweep it under the rug
M: I don't think that China will stand on the side of USA against North Korea.
M: it's good for the Chinese government to have such a North Korea there to keep its rule in China and make USA pay more attention to the Chinese government.
M: About Chinese people, a lot of people really dislike North Korean government and like to see it overthrown as soon as possible.
M: some Chinese people support Chinese government's idea. They don't care about the Chinese people's situation, not mention North Korean people.
U: interesting comments from you
M: if there is a war in that peninsula, most likely not only North Korea government is over, Chinese government will be over too.
U: that may be true 

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