下一篇:多伦多的约克堡(York Fort),DOORS OPEN(图)
米娅 2010年5月30日 22:35:21
M: I will go to see sailing tomorrow
M: it's DOORS OPEN Day here
U: sailing! thats great! but what is DOORS OPEN day?
M: a sailing club
M: it's a special festival in Ontario
M: many places are open for free
U: sounds like fun...i hope you are not afraid of the water
M: yeah 
U: but if you fall into the water I'm sure some big handsome man will jump in and rescue you
M: I don't expect that
U: i hope it dosen't happen...but things do happen
M: what are u doing now?
U: working
U: oh...maybe a North korean submarine will attack your sailing boat!
M: do you expect a war between two koreas?
U: no...not at all...its just some scheme to make the markets go down so investors can buy low
U: North korea will never start a war now...because it will be the end of North korea
U: why ?
M: North Korea said that it's not afraid of a war
M: the attitude is quite strong
U: North korea would destroyed in 3 days if war broke out...And North Korea and everyone else knows this
M: but it has nuclear weapon, maybe it's the end of the world that day.
U: and if they used a nuclear weapon...thats it...no more North korea
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