米娅 2010年4月20日 21:33:35


M: maybe we can start talking about HK and UK and Argentina.
U: so what do you need to know about HK?
M: I saw a video which talked something about the fight between UK and Argentina about that island.
M: the host said that UK is determined to keep its colony, but UK handed HK back to China. Why?
M: similar thing like the fight with Iceland for the North Sea's oil.
U: The british were honoring a treaty...in which they were obligated to hand it over to China
U: Remember...the British are civilized...and they honor treaties

U: of course...the british civilized the world
U: It was Queen Victoria's wish...to civilize the world

M: that's a lie.
U: excuse me
M: I mean the lie of the British
U: what is a lie?
M: you are cheated by that lie
U: oh no...here you go again with hating the west
M: In Qing Dynasty, that's a coporate called Eastern India
M: it wanted to make a treat with China but that empiror refused
M: then British used forces to open the door of China
M: even though the door was open, but Chinese people didn't like the western stuff. Then British backed with forces forced China to sign unfair treaties to sell opium to China
U: well yes of course...if a country builds the largest navy...it would be uncivilized not to use it
M: so it's just a lie about civilizing the world, it's about wanting to get interests from the world.
U: hey...the British have a cool flag...and a very civilized language...any civilized person would want to be conqured by the British
M: robbery with strong force, saying civilizing the world
U: look at the modern things that the fromer empire has now
M: it's just people like you
U: look at Hong kong
M: you like to be conquered by the British? I don't like it
U: high standard of living...freedom speech...all that bad western stuff
U: I already was conquered by the British
U: and now look at me...i speak the coolest language in the world
U: and the Flag...wow!

M: do you think that island belongs to British or British robbed it from Argentina with that largest navy?
U: what island?
M: nearby the Argentina
M: now British try to get oil from it
U: well...i believe in democracy...let the people who live there...vote of they want to be British or Argentina
U: i wonder which they would vote for

M: now only English are there
M: Argentineans were kicked out
U: OK...they should have learned english
M: your logic reminds me of what our gov. did and are doing.
U: just relax...and the look at flags...the british flag is way better
M: just the two parts are the gov. with force and the ordinary people who the gov. even is afraid of and doesn't allow them to buy cooking knives some time.

U: who needs a knife when you can have a spoon and fork
U: and a cup of tea

M: In the world, the force talks.
M: democracy, freedom etc. is just a weapon to deal with some goverments to get more interests for themselves
M: British is smarter than its predecessors like Old Romans since it invented some words and logics that sounds much better.
U: it's like an old joke
U: the jews wanted to rebel against the romans
U: and so the jews shout..."what have the romans ever done for us"
U: and someone would answer..."they gave us running water"
U: OK OK ..."besides running water...what have the romans ever done for us"
U: "they gave us sanitation clean up"
U: OK OK OK..."besides running water, clean santitation...what have the romans ever done for us"

M: Roman killed your God, it seems you forgot it.
U: "well...our standard of living is better'
U: No one can kill God
U: it wasn't the romans...if you mean jesus...the jews killed jesus
U: then he came back to life

M: Romans excuted him.
U: and saw his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter weather
M: if no killing, where did the resurrection come from?
M: It's said that Romans killed him because of some Jews, but still, Romans excuted it, put him on the cross and made nails through his feet and hands, and then he died because losing too much blood.
M: If no one killed him, where does the Easter come from?
M: Jesus isn't God?
U: Jesus is suppose to be the son of God sent to earth to forgive man for his sins
M: but the people you admire so much killed him
U: the jews?
U: the british?

M: Romans killed him
M: killed the son of God
U: Yeah...technically the romans killed him...but the roman governor offered to spare his life...but the jews refused
M: It's an excuse. Romans didn't need to obey the Jews' saying.
M: The people like to put the responsibility to the Jews because the Romans were strong and the Jews were weak.
U: i never admired the romans...i admire the british...because they are so civilized and have such a cool flag...and take time for tea
M: If the Jews asked the governor to kill a Roman, what would happen?
U: I don't know...how am I supposed to know that
M: so it's an excuse. Romans should take the main responsibility for the death of that God's son, but so many people like to blame others. It's because "others" here were weak.
M: Anyway I still think that democracy、freedom etc. are good things but people who want them need to fight for it themselves. No one gives it for charity or from someone "civilizing the world".
M: and it's great for the people who can develop such theories.
U: did I mention i'm getting a Mini Cooper?
U: a car made in Great Britain
U: i was thinking maybe a nice green

M: enery-saving car?
U: then I will drive drive it and I will be civilized
U: not really

M: good for u
M: British had a fight with America before.
M: and British was defeated. Are u sad about it?
U: I'm not sad about...i feel fortunate to have learned english...and the fight was so long ago...no one even cares about what happened such a long time ago
U: but you have to admit...the british flag is the best looking flag
M: no, I don't think any national flag good looking, just a piece of cloth.
U: yes...very true...but what a fashionable piece of cloth it is!
M: I can't see that from it.
U: well...I'm into designs and creativity these days...and its a very well designed flag
M: ok. I don't agree on it but I respect your right of showing your opinion.
U: you would look good wearing dress made out of a British flag

M: hi, are u a bit mad at our talking?
U: no...you got me thinking of the British

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