米娅 2010年8月25日 16:36:33


M: why do you not wear the shirts with the pics you draw?
U: political items will be in strong demand after Labor Day...the political season starts
U: I do sometimes

M: :)
U: almost everyday at work i wear these
M: good for you :)
U: you would look great in one of my designs
M: ;)
M: maybe you can design some pics with Chinese paintings or sth
U: i did do an 'Apple' computer logo with the Chinese flag for the event of the iPhone being sold in China
M: :)
U: but it was rejected because of copyrights violations
M: (chuckle)
U: my argument was that it was based on parody
U: and parody is legal
U: but my management wanted to play it safe
U: and said no...we can't go with that
M: oh, your company has sensorship too
U: not censorship
U: just not wanted to have copyright violations and end up getting sued by Apple
U: but any orginal artwork is welcome
U: and most parody
M:   I'm kidding
U: and this polictical season will be hot for anything anti-Obama
M: maybe something anti-BP
U: anything making fun of the Democrat Party will be in style this fall
M: oh, because it's on power
U: the anti-BP stuff was hot the last two months...but it has quietly went away
M: oh
U: The Democrats have all the power
M: oh
U: thats why there is such an anti-Democrat feeling this election cycle
U: its the way the political pendulum swings
M: do they support another party?
U: I think this season there is a feeling to be independent
M: Conservative Party
U: The Republicans tend to be more to the conservative side
M: oh, Republicans
U: but both Democrats and Republicans are very corrupt and there is a feeling of wanting to vote for third party such as the Libertarian Party this time season
M: oh, corrupt,
U: but...anything anti-Obama or making fun of Obama will be hot in September and October
M: it seems that Obama has been doing a good job.
U: are you kidding?
M: it's said that he's quite capable
U: who says?
M: he succeeded in that medical reform
U: I see no difference between Obama and Bush
M: He's doing a good job for Americans
U: He got the votes in Congress but the American people strongly oppose this
U: unemployment is 9.6%
U: how can he be doing a good job
M: that's the fault of wall street.
U: no
M: those guys in wall street cheated
U: yes...they did
M: so a recession
U: And Obama is making it worse
U: Obama needs to get his foot off the neck of business owners and create an atmosphere where business can invest and that will create jobs

M: he's pushing new energy now
M: it'll let USA collect money around the world like oil
U: well...i'm just telling how the mood of Americans is right now...and its bad news for Obama and the Democrat party
M: and stroke Toyota, which made Ford etc. get more sales
U: the government should never interfere with private business
M: and some bill about Chinese tires
M: all increase the employment rate of USA
U: Americans see no increase in the employment rate
M: He also has done something on wall street.
U: he has done nothing
M: that's a big recession
M: anyway
U: just words on a piece of paper
U: same as Bush
U: the government should do nothing.

M: I don't know. that government doesn't absolutely represent my benefit.
U: except build roads and take care of and support the military
M: without the government's interfere, your wall street is still selling cheating funds etc.
M: then, the reputation of USA will be ruined
M: then USA is over
U: no...people won't invest with Wall Street if they feel they will be cheated
M: Wall street is the key spirit of USA
U: Wall Street means nothing to me
M: if people don't invest with it, USA is kind of over
U: there are other investments
M: it collects money around the world for Americans including you
U: not for me...I make my own money
U: i don't depend on the Wall street or the government
U: i have no need for either one

M: without both, America will not be what it looks like now
M: just like any second or third world country
M: anyway, I don't know
M: I just heard of such opinions
U: without both...the US economy would sky-rocket
M: then kick them out of USA 

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