下一篇:转: It's too late...,太辛酸了(图)
米娅 2010年8月13日 15:35:49

按: 先提醒读者,娱乐而已,请不要当真。

M: some rich Chinese people have moved to USA in fact. Sons,daughters and wives of a lot of high-position officers of China usually have a USA nationality.
M: so Chinese government represent the benefits of Americans in fact.
U: I'm sure
M: but the government pretend that they protect Chinese people from USA.
U: its such great news to know that the chinese government represent my benefit that it makes me so happy I now have to go to the bathroom
M: I mean ... really
M: but the Chinese government likes to put USA's benefit before Chinese benefit.
U: yeah right
M: just so you know, a lot of their families and wealth are in USA.
M: their families are Americans.
M: They can go to USA as soon as they like, just they need to grap more money and move them to USA.
U: why move away from china?
M: it's safe in USA.
M: do you remember that someone said that a revolution may come to China?
M: Ben Laden also put their children and wives in USA and USA are happy with it.
M: all those wealth and people increase the domestic demands and irritate economy
M: as some people said that our corrupt officers lift the domestic demands of Western world and contribute to their economy
U: the USA is corporate criminal safe heaven
M: so USA has ties with Chinese government and this party.
M: Just Chinese people need to fight for their rights against those two super powers
U: all the world's elite have ties with each other
U: no matter what the nationality is
U: which two super powers?

M: oh, did Hitler have a tie with Roosevelt?
M: two "elites"
M: not two in fact
M: more than two
U: Hitler was not an elite
M: oh, yeah, Stalin had a close tie with Roosevelt
M: USA always has a close tie with communists.
U: not really
M: I knew, just for benefit.
U: Stalin imposed communism on the russian people but yet lived richly in capitalist surroundings
U: same with Roosevelt

M: things seems complex, in fact, it's quite simple. People have to fight for their own rights. don't trust or depend on anyone else.
U: almost ruined the American economy but was saved by the World War
M: I heard that after the world war II,  Germany's territory is 40% less
U: that's usually what happens after a country loses a war
M: but Germany is still a powerful country in Europe now.
U: economy in Germany is really good now and getting better
U: the German bankers will conquer europe...they will do what Hilter failed to do

M: yeah, I heard of it

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