米娅 2010年4月20日 12:18:44

M: The news said that Italians gave the protection money to Taliban, then French army went to replace Italians......
U: oh yeah...they are all doing that
U: pay the taliban not to kill you...
U: The CIA does it too

U: same as in Iraq
U: of course, it's less expensive than fighting them
M: at last, the French got loss since they thought the place was safe. the french army were attached by Taliban
U: Afghanistan will never be safe
U: history proves that

M: if Taliban got money, be less dangerous
U: the Russians did have Afghanistan under control...but the USA gave weapons to the Taliban to defeat the Russians in the 1980s
U: and now...well...history repeats

M: now, maybe Russians gave support to Taliban to defeat NATO
M: have Americans regreted for that?
U: i don't think that the Russians will ever give support to the taliban...the Russians learned their history lesson
M: oh, then who supports Taliban?  那么谁在支持塔利班?
U: the CIA does  美国国家情报局
M: :O
U: the corporations need an enemy to justify military spending and making a profit
M: oh 
U: and so...the Taliban and CIA work together to make money for the military/industrial complex
U: the Taliban want to die and go to heaven and have 71 virgins and the CIA will help them

M: it's the first time I hear such opinion. but it makes sense
U: so...its a good partnership
M: it's a backward nationality
U: its all about making money
M: oh, but they threaten the Americans' life who are in USA.
U: OK...true...but the rich corporate pigs don't care about anyone's life except their own
M: it seems that USA is not harmonious as it looks.
U: there are some parts of the USA that look much like the Third World 

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