留个爪印儿 2010年5月26日 16:16:27


Canada cuts ties with North

Canada said Tuesday it has formally suspended diplomatic relations with North Korea over the sinking of the South Korean warship.

The move came a day after the government announced it would tighten restrictions on trade, investment and other relations with North Korea, and would suspend visits to Canada by high-level North Korean officials.

Canada has had limited diplomatic relations with the government of Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang, but those will now end. A spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said relations had included "advocacy" visits by Canadian officials to talk about North Korea's nuclear activities.

Canada sent three navy experts to the multinational team that investigated the warship sinking, and concluded the vessel was sunk by a torpedo. 





China factor
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday stepped up pressure on China to back international action against North Korea, calling peace and security on the Korean Peninsula "a shared responsibility."

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saul Loeb/Assciated Press)
"Now we need to work together again to address the serious challenge posed by the sinking of the South Korean ship," Clinton said after two days of talks with Chinese officials.

"No one is more concerned about peace and stability in this region as the Chinese," she said. "We know this is a shared responsibility and in the days ahead we will work with the international community and our Chinese colleagues to fashion an effective, appropriate response."

Meanwhile, the U.S. is planning two major military exercises off the Korean Peninsula in a display of force intended "to deter future aggression" by North Korea, the White House said. There are 28,500 American troops in South Korea.

South Korea wants to bring North Korea before the United Nations Security Council over the sinking. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Monday he expects the Security Council to act, but China — North Korea's main ally and a veto-wielding member of the Security Council — has so far done little but urge calm on all sides.


2楼 2010年5月26日 16:44:09 coolder.com
韩国开始在韩朝边界架喇叭、撒传单,搞心理战,朝鲜说,架一个打掉一个,沉船报告出来后,24日奥巴马发表讲话支持韩国,26日希拉里在韩国发表讲话,说美国日本和盟国支持韩国,25日加拿大和北朝鲜断交,北朝鲜否认舰是它击沉的,要求让北朝鲜派调查团调查,说,要打也不怕。--- 本人作的新闻综合  
第1页 共1页
1. 美国人看不上北朝鲜的核武器(和老美聊天)
2. BBC:中国不保护韩国“天安”号事件肇事者
3. 加拿大民众评论韩“天安”号沉船事件
4. 调查显示韩舰遭朝鱼雷击沉,看看美国民众怎么说