上一篇:自己不干好事还害怕别人干好事? -- 德籍志愿者卢安克被广西公安厅警告
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米娅 2010年5月19日 23:13:51



That should be the start of a WAR between the two countries... will be interesting to see what happens

You realize a war between the Koreas means world war 3 probably starts, right? China and the US would likely get involved.

They're going to do something...but the public won't know about it. They won't start a war because SK has become a largely wealthy nation and the peninsula is too small to minimize damage. Some clandestine plane will arise I'm guessing.

Would you rather wait another 10 years folks untill N.K sells an H b to someone? Do it live!

So who's going to fight that war!?!?! I garantee if the SK people had to they would calm the heck down!!!

The South Koreans would do the bulk of the fighting. Our history books don't mention much about how many South Korean units fought in the Korean War as well.

They will be able to handle themselves better than you think, but they would need our air, navy and logistical support.

Wake up people. This shows that the "Dear Leader" is NOT in complete control of his military. North Korea is an unstable powder keg and mindless saber-rattling will just play into the hands of the out-of-control nutjobs in the NK military that are jockeying for power. Don't forget that Kim Jong II just had a major stroke and don't think for a minute that his plan to pass down his "crown" to one of his sons is a sure thing. He does NOT have the respect that his father Kim II Sung had with the military. This is a very dangerous period of transition and needs some finesse, not some misguided military adventure with unintended consequences. There are diehards North and South that do not want any chance in the status quo and I fear this will be one of many attempts to sabotage any move towards reconciliation.

"The Cheonan, sank after a mysterious explosion ripped it in half on March 26 in disputed waters off North Korea."... sounds like they may have been poking their noses where it didn't belong & got punched...

Both sides have been poking around in these disputed waters for decades.

1. 美国人看不上北朝鲜的核武器(和老美聊天)
2. BBC:中国不保护韩国“天安”号事件肇事者
3. 加拿大民众评论韩“天安”号沉船事件
4. CBC消息:加拿大暂时断绝与朝外交关系,美计划两次大型军演