米娅 2012年5月17日 15:49:30



Scoring criteria:
Position In
YES: if the applicant:
1. puts on a left change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient warning
before stopping at the kerb; and
2. positions the car parallel to and within 300 mm of the kerb; and
3. puts on a right change of direction signal for at least five seconds before leaving the
kerb; and
4. looks in both directions before commencing the turn; and
5. proceeds across the road to the opposite kerb.
NO: if the applicant:
1. does not put on a left change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient
warning before stopping at the kerb; or
2. stops with the wheels more than 300 mm from and/or is not parallel to the kerb; or
3. does not put on a right change of direction signal for at least five seconds before
leaving the kerb; or
4. fails to check in both directions along the road before turning; or
5. when positioning the car to either kerb, hits the kerb heavily; or
6. dry steers.
Reverse Observation
YES: if the applicant:
1. looks in both directions along the road before reversing; and
2. looks in the direction of travel before and during reversing.
NO: if the applicant:
1. does not look in both directions before reversing; or
2. does not look in the direction of travel before and during reversing; or
3. reverses using the mirror/s only; or
4. hits the kerb heavily; or
5. dry steers.
Position Out
YES: if the applicant:
1. looks in both directions before moving off; and
2. positions the car to the correct side of the road.
NO: if the applicant:
1. does not look in both directions before moving off; or
2. does not position the car to the correct side of the road; or
3. does not complete the manoeuvre in three movements; or
4. dry steers.
IMMEDIATE FAIL: if an applicant:
1. takes more than two minutes to complete the manoeuvre allowing for traffic
conditions; or
2. mounts the kerb (including driveways); or
3. takes more than five movements to complete the manoeuvre.

2楼 2012年5月17日 15:49:48 米娅

三点掉头(Three-point turn) 看镜,打右灯,看右盲点-停右路边-打左灯-看前镜-左镜-左盲点清-缓慢左轮1.5圈-车头靠近对侧路牙-右轮1.5圈停车-打右灯,换倒挡(R),左中(后边)右看,-扭头看右侧盲点后倒车在路中-回正方向停车-打左灯,换前进挡(D),左中右看,看后视镜,看左盲点,
- 打左灯,左中右看,看左盲点,路况清晰,缓慢左打方向盘一圈半,同时通过左边的车窗玻璃,看左边的路牙,车子通常在路的左半边中间时,快速右打方向盘直到右转一圈半,停下不碰路牙;
- 打右灯,换倒挡(R),左中(后边)右看,路况清晰,安全倒后,看左边路牙,车子通常在路的右半边中间时,快速回打左方向盘一圈半回正方向盘或稍左偏,停下不碰路牙;
- 打左灯,换前进挡(D),左中右看,看后视镜,看左盲点,

第1页 共1页
1. Drupal: 中英文转换的链接不显示
2. 进来用三个简单的句子测一下英文水平
3. 奥巴马关于《穆罕默德的无知》的发言(英文)
4. “穆巴拉克,美国30年的老朋友”英文怎么说(和老美聊天)
5. 跟踪利比亚时事新闻学英文(随时更新)
6. 在eBay上卖东西(11):一些英文单词和尺寸说明
7. 美国将停中文广播,改听英文的吧
8. 我不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利(中英文)
9. “帖子”、“发贴人”英文怎么说(和老美聊天)
10. 如何用英文引用小道消息(和老美聊天)
11. “I'm hearing”这个英文句子是错的么
12. 政府的英文缩写是gov't
13. “好色的”英文怎么说(和老美聊天)
14. 商店里的几个英文食品名
15. 几个常用的英文口语及其他
16. “倒打一耙”英文怎么说?(和老美聊天)