米娅 2012年9月26日 00:24:22

I know there are some who ask 'Why don't we just ban such a video?' And the answer is enshrined in our laws. Our constitution protects the right to practice free speech. Here in the United States countless publications provoke offense. Like me the majority of Americans are Christian and yet we don't ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. As President of our country and Commander in Chief of our military I accept people are going to call me awful things every day. And I will always defend their right to do so.

1. Drupal: 中英文转换的链接不显示
2. 进来用三个简单的句子测一下英文水平
3. 驾照考试中的“三点掉头”的中英文解释
4. “穆巴拉克,美国30年的老朋友”英文怎么说(和老美聊天)
5. 跟踪利比亚时事新闻学英文(随时更新)
6. 在eBay上卖东西(11):一些英文单词和尺寸说明
7. 美国将停中文广播,改听英文的吧
8. 我不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利(中英文)
9. “帖子”、“发贴人”英文怎么说(和老美聊天)
10. 如何用英文引用小道消息(和老美聊天)
11. “I'm hearing”这个英文句子是错的么
12. 政府的英文缩写是gov't
13. “好色的”英文怎么说(和老美聊天)
14. 商店里的几个英文食品名
15. 几个常用的英文口语及其他
16. “倒打一耙”英文怎么说?(和老美聊天)