The first cheque for Google Adsense from Google arrived

M: I have a bit good news here. Do you like to hear?
U: of course
M: I got a letter from Google Inc. today.
M: I was surprised at the first place when I saw it. It’s from NY, etc.. I thought I might be a victim of some fraud.
U: oh yeah…for google ads?
M: ((nod))
M: can you guess what it is?
U: google ads
U: you made money
U: or…they want to hire you
M: a cheque for a bit money 😛
U: $5.61
M: $107
U: really
U: from google ads?
M: it has spent me more than one year
M: yeah, for google ads
U: can you imagine if you had thousands of visitors
M: 🙂
U: you need to start marketing
M: I think I will make that online shop work. It will help in some way.
U: of course
U: looks like you have a career as a internet guru
M: just try to get money from the Internet.
M: 🙂
U: its better than working
U: better than working for someone else
M: I hope, one day I can get enough money for my living from ebay and can get some money for my travel from google adsense.
M: still there is a long way to go.
U: one day you will…i’m sure of it
U: where would you travel too?
M: So far, I haven’t got enough money for it.
M: I think I will keep the money from google adsense. One day, they will be enough for a trip to USA.
U: well…you wouldn’t have far to travel
U: maybe you would visit New York
M: maybe shopping near the border
M: US dollars keep going down these days
U: yes…i know
M: when will it go up?
U: when Obama leaves office
M: ((mm))
M: another four year?
U: hopefully on January 21, 2013
M: It’s a big success for him that Bin Laden is dead during his presidency term.
M: Most likely, he will win
U: he lied so much to get elected…it will be difficult to do the same next time around
M: 🙂

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