米娅 2010年6月6日 11:46:13

楼主按: 现在世界运转的是西方国家主导的游戏规则,有些对发展中国家是很不利的,不过,有规则也有它有利的一面,那就是各种博弈代替了战争。记得在古罗马时期,就有士兵战败可以投降的规则,东方文明一直到近代还是要求“不成功,则成仁”,将士要战死疆场,记得一个关于日本的影片《最后的武士》,战胜的士兵把战败的士兵杀死双方都认为是自然的,是一种成全。



1949年8月12日,61国代表在日内瓦共同签署了一项关于如何处置战俘的公约,即《关于战俘待遇之日内瓦公约》(geneva convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war,即1949年日内瓦第3公约)。该公约于1950年10月21日正式生效。

《关于战俘待遇之日内瓦公约》共有143条正文和5个附件。公约针对第二次世界大战期间德日法西斯虐杀战俘的暴行,详细规定了保护战俘和战俘待遇的原则和规则。 公约要求各缔约国制定必要的法律,对犯有或指使他人犯有严重破坏条约行为的人员,处以有效的刑事制裁。





M: I heard that an American company asks Indians to give them the patent fee for planting the rice that the Indians have been planting for centuries.
U: sounds normal for any big corporation
M: because that company got the DNA of that kind of rice and applied the patent.
M: that's partially the reason that USA gets so rich.
U: its almost like a comedy
M: that's partially why some countries get so poor
U: its like when the British wanted to control India...the Indians said it is our land and you should leave...and the british officer relied," well then show me your flag. the indian replied, "we have no flag"...and the british said, "but we have a flag and its flying on this land and now it is ours"
U: now thats civilized

M: see, that's British's logic.
U: of course
M: as brazen as Chinese government's logic.
U: but...see the bristish set an example...now all nations have a flag
M: the essense of British's logic is robbery, some nations just get the least important thing: a flag.
U: thats a cool word: ESSENSE
M: essence (blush)
U: you are instant information
M: ......
U: i think your skills should be put to use as a journalist....in a way you are a journalist by keeping the world informed of what is going on in china
U: I'm very impressed

M: tks,
M: I have a website, I put my opinions there.
U: i respect your opinions...no matter how wrong you are about the British
U: (rofl)

M: (mm)
M: even though you don't admit it, I'm really telling the truth, you know it in your heart.
U: How could you say such bad things about the people who set up a country that get free education in and a nice place to live?
U: like you...you like it

M: it's just for British people, not nice for everyone.
U: you live in canada and enjoy the british style of life of freedom and democracy
M: yeah, but you can't blind to its bad side.
U: wouldn't it be nice if all countries were like Canada?
U: so...come on...forgive and forget...in the end it all turned out good

M: nowadays, in the world, rich countries get richer and richer and poor countries get poorer and poorer. there's something in the playing rules that are unfair.
M: such as collecting patent fee from Indians
U: but the world is getting smaller because of the technology that the rich countires produce and the poor will catch up in time
M: People should notice it and get the world fair.Rich countries get talents from the whole world, that's why it can produce the technology.
M: One of the google's creators is from Russia, remember?
U: either way...the Indians will be poor...they will stay poor if they never receive the technology to produce more rice...in time they will be able to produce enough and be wealthy
M: if Indians think so, they will just keep poor. They should think about changing the unfair rules.
U: I can agree with that
U: chatting with you is better than watching a good movie

U: you are so full of good opinion
U: what???
U: why so
U: are you confused?

M: oh, may I take it as a praise?
U: of course!!!
M: good
U: i always look forward to getting the chance to get on Skype and chat with you
U: always something interesting

M: :) you are a very good argument partner too.
U: that is because i always let you win
M: ;)
U: because i am such a gentleman like the british
M: you lost it, not intend to let me win
U: oh...i love your chinese fighting spirit
M: anyway, you have a typical American's opinion and attitude
U: not really...well maybe....i try to add some humor....but I always will admire the way you stand up for your opinions
M: tks ......

2楼 2010年6月7日 22:53:22 coolder.com



第1页 共1页
1. 与美国佬讨论香港和英国问题(和老美聊天)
2. 与“武装到牙齿的美帝”分子网聊台湾问题(和老美聊天)
3. 美国人聊谁在支持塔利班,被雷到(和老美聊天)