“God said, first, call me Comrade”

M: I told you I would tell you a story about comrade last night
U: oh yes
M: are you ready to hear?
U: always ready
M: 🙂
M: It’s said that a communist died
M: He went to the hell.
M: How to call the leader of the underground world and the ones working under it?
U: satan
U: the devil
M: In China, we call Yama and Imps prehaps
M: Are they correct English?
M: Ok,
M: There is a God in heaven who also controls the hell
U: i don’t know…Yama and Imps
U: maybe bhuddist words
M: I get them from translate.google.com
U: ok..if its google…then  it must be correct
M: That leader of hell went to see the God.
M: He complained to the God: that communist kept persuading the people working under me to join the communist party.
U: in the christian, jewish and muslim religions his name is Satan
M: Some of them had been communists already. You must take him away.
U: interesting
U: communist trying to have a revolution in hell
M: The God took that communist from the hell.
M: One day, the leader of hell met the God.
M: He asked the God how the things were going with that comunist.
U: 🙂
M: Can you guess what the God’s answer was?
M: 🙂
U: i don’t know…but i can’t wait to see what the answer is
M: The God cleaned his throat and said seriously: First, call me Comrade.
U: ha ha
M: 😀
U: very good
U: delightful story
M: very very funny 😉
U: yes
U: so..god must be Lenin
M: 🙂
U: i wonder if i tell this story at work tomorrow if people will think its funny
M: 😉
U: sometimes Americans don’t think too deep
M: If they think it’s not funny, tell them the truth of Osama Bin Laden’s death!!
U: yes…i could..but some have no idea of the milk scandal in China
M: I agree.
U: and you have to understand that to understand the humor
M: That’s why it’s funny to tell you stories
M: You know a lot of things
M: Do you think I know a lot of things too?
U: like i said before…i am smarter than the average bear
M: a smart working pig
U: yes..i am impressed by your knowledge
M: good 😛

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