If one woman and two men are isolated in an island, what will happen?

M: hi, do you feel you have been trained by me and improved a lot? πŸ˜›
U: i do as i am told by you
M: For example, last second test, you failed. last one, you got an right answer quickly.
M: πŸ˜‰
U: i didn’t fail…i misunderstood the questions….about how many seats in the car
M: You are just doing better and better, anyway.
U: yes…it is because of your training and making me prepared for questions and tests
M: sure πŸ˜›
M: I have a test, no answers , or many versions of answers, it should be quite fun.
M: next time, I tell you.
U: tell me now
M: ha ha
M: a woman and two men in an isolated island.
U: sounds like fun
M: If they are Americans, what will happen?
M: If they are Italians, what will happen?
M: If they are French, what will happen?
M: If they are Chinese, what will happen?
M: etc. etc.
U: i think pretty much the same thing will happen in all cases
M: ((shake))
M: no
M: For example, if they are Italian,
U: the americans will try to build a boat or raft on get off the island
M: the two men duel, the winner has that woman. The loser dies.
U: why?
M: Just imagine it with those people’s characters.
U: why can’t they share the woman
M: see
M: If they are Americans, the two men will share that woman.
U: and try to build a raft and get off the island
M: πŸ˜›
U: what will the italians do?
M: Just some versions of answers
M: They duel and the winner gets that woman, the loser is killed
M: do you like to know if they are Chinese?
U: what about the french?
U: they kill the woman and have each other
M: If they are French, the two men live together, the woman live alone.
U: ok…tell about the chinese…you know better than me
U: i was close
M: there are two versions
M: one is that one man gets that woman’s heart and another man feels so sad that he goes to be a monkey or something like that.
M: this version isn’t that fun, right?
M: * monk
U: its unlikely that will happen
M: not monkey.
M: is it likely to happen?
U: monkey?
M: be a monk,
U: on an island?
M: not a monkey. I wrote a wrong word
M: oh, you still feel it’s unlikely to happen?
U: how can you be a monk on an island
M: another version is very fun.
M: can you guess it?
U: the woman escapes by building a raft
M: They open a restaurant
U: ha ha
M: The two men made that women give birth to many children to give a hand
U: and in twenty they are rich
M: to help restaurant chores
U: and in twenty years they have a successful business
M: maybe, this version is quite fun.
U: thats very witty
M: there are other countries
U: ok
M: like Tailand, Indonnisia, Taiwan.
U: japanese?
M: you make one for Japanese. What will happen if they are Japanese?
U: the two men will get a bath massage from the woman everyday
M: maybe
M: it’s quite late by the way.
U: and they would know how to make sushi
M: hehe
M: I didn’t see the Japanese version before.
M: what if they are Canadians?
U: they would be happy just to be someplace warm
M: πŸ˜‰
U: ok
U: time to go
M: yeah, good night.
M: think about other countries in your bed and tell me next time.
U: don’t let the bad arguments get you down
M: sure πŸ™‚
U: maybe i will dream of being on island with you….and you can make that soup for me everyday
M: hi, I have one thing that forget to tell you.
M: last time, I go shopping. I bought a big bowl
U: tell me
M: I went shopping to a clothes show , but I can’t find the clothes to buy. At last, I bought a big bowl.
M: when you are in Toronto, I invite you to eat that soup with that big bowl, ok?
M: πŸ˜›
U: i hope its big enough
M: quite big.
M: 13 cm high
M: is it big enough?
U: i could almost swim in that
M: πŸ˜›
U: ok
U: good night
M: good night
M: ((hug))
U: ((hug))

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