Considering Japan’s power around the world, Japan isn’t a small country.

M: I have a question here. I had this question many years ago. Now it jumps into my brain again. are you ready?
M: to answer it
U: i was watching video of the earthquake
M: Japanese have always wanted to move out that little island, or go to occupy some land that’s better.
M: but at last, they still just live on that small island. why?
M: They were droven back to that small island.
U: are you talking about the islands that are called “japan”?
M: yeah
U: its not really a small island
U: i’m not sure what the question is?
M: I have thought of something new. Japanese are not really limited to those small islands.
U: they live in japan
M: Japanese have affects on the whole world now.
M: They had almost bought a whole Hawaii, right?
U: because of the earthquake
M: they had bought that huge “Rockefeller” building in New York?
U: oh
U: yeah…in the 1980s they bought many real estate deals
M: I mean they have some power around the world, even though it seems that their land is quite small.
M: Japan is a big country, in some way.
U: 120 million
M: Geographically it’s a small country.
M: The population isn’t huge.
M: but considering Japanese’s power around the world, it’s a big country.
M: Japanese have controlled some world’s biggest corporations.
U: yes
M: They have some remarkable shares on a lot world’s biggest corporations and get huge benefits.
U: its a very large economy
M: Yeah.
M: They find their way to get better in this world.
U: so…but i’m not sure what the question is?
M: I changed my opinion when I thought it deeper so the original question was gone. 🙂
U: oh…so no question to answer
U: sorry…but i have been looking at videos
U: ok

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