Two cruel and bloody stories in the history of Chinese communists

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U: but he (Gadaffi) knows how to pick his nurses
M: If I was in Libya and said so, I might be executed.
U: you might have to be his nurse
M: was his nurse killed?
U: i don’t think so
M: oh.
U: why do you ask
M: Chairman Mao also had nurses
U: how many?
M: I don’t know. I had read an article in a Chinese official magazine saying that his last nurse had a husband. She couldn’t see her husband again until Chairman Mao died.
U: oh wow
U: if they ask you…would you be Chairman Mao’s nurse?
M: What do you mean? At that time, people couldn’t say no to some communists
U: when i get old …i will need a nurse
U: what am talking about…i’m old now
M: Let me tell you a real story
U: ok
M: I read it in a posting but I think it’s real.
M: maybe in 1950s or 1960s
M: A female dancing actress
U: ok
U: chinese?
M: around 40 years old
M: yes
U: perfect
M: She wrote a letter to the local gov’t or something similar to complain
M: She said that the officials always asked the actresses to dance with them
M: She said that they took the actresses sort of like “wu nv” in the old society.
M: “Wu niu” is some females that danced with men in a club to get money.
M: maybe sex services too
U: private dancer
U: maybe
M: Can you image the income of the letter?
U: the income?
M: outcome
U: outcome
M: That actress was executed as “anti-revolution”
U: really
U: wow
M: It’s so terrible
U: very much
U: corrupt leaders
U: glad i’m in the usa
M: When I read the history of Chinese communists,
M: too terrible.
U: yes…we in the west already knew this
M: Some people ate the hearts and livers of other live people.
U: what?
M: another story, ok?
U: ok
M: in a village,
M: a local leader
M: wanted to live longer
M: He heard that eating a live human being’s heart could make him live longer
U: so he did it
M: He really ate one but someone told him that it’s useless
M: since the person should agree with it first, then he ate his heart, he would live longer.
M: Then they caught another person and tortured him until he “agreed” with it.
M: Then they took his heart to let that leader eat
U: gosh
M: can you believe it?
U: what a blood mess
M: so many similar stories
U: what a bloody mess
U: oh wow
U: its past my bedtime
M: yeah.
M: anyway, have a good dream
U: see you tomorrow
U: you too
M: see you tomorrow.
M: (hug)
U: (hug)
M: good night
U: good night

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