“do the (western) people like you just wear a pair of pants in the four seasons?”

U: hi
M: hi, sergeant
M: how r u
U: i’m fine
U: and you
M: i’m ok
M: what r u doing now, by the way
U: doing some homework
U: really busy
M: oh, i c
M: anything to report, sergeant?
U: not really
U: what about you
M: oh
M: nothing important
M: I’m laying in bed now.
U: really
M: I almost have gone to sleep
U: you must be tired
M: reading books
U: really…which books?
M: I gets up before 9:30 am these days
M: not before, should say around
M: spring is coming,
U: yeah…but still cold in toronto
M: should get up early to enjoy the daytime
U: warming up here a little
M: tomorrow the highest temperature is 4
U: cold
M: quite comfortable to walk outside, with a feather coat
M: I have a question now
M: you disappeared
U: ok
U: i’m ready
M: about clothes
U: ok
M: It seems the people like you don’t  wear wool pants under your pants to keep warm
U: it does
U: how do know
U: have you been doing research
M: I heard of it. and I can’t find such a pair of pants to buy in Toronto
U: i think women just wear nylons under pants to keep warm
M: When the weather gets cold, it should be too cold to wear just a pair of pants. We like to wear a pair of long cotton underwear pants under the outside pants.
M: I can’t find such cotton pants in shops either
M: do the people like you just wear a pair of pants in the four seasons?
U: i do…yes
M: oh, do you feel cold in the winter with just a pair of pants?
U: not me
U: i’m fine with just pants
M: oh, you will wear long feather coat in the winter, right?
M: it will cover the legs
U: i do sometimes when its very cold
M: what about women? do they wear just pants?
U: most of the time…just a jacket
U: well…some women wear nylon stockings under the pants
M: oh, that’s not warm enough
U: for some…i suppose its warm enough
U: it depends how cold it is
M: the western people seem cold-resistant
U: maybe
U: maybe you need a teddy bear to keep warm
M: sounds warm 😛
M: I find that I usually wear more than most of the people around me in Toronto.
U: yes…you have low tolerence for cold weather
U: you need to live in Florida
U: or…get a very large teddy bear
M: I am a  temperate zone creature 🙂 .
M: now live in the country of pollar bears
U: a cute temperate zone creature
M: 😛

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