M: I had a few battles online these two days.
M: now, just take a break (whew)
U: about what?
M: one about a campain on the micro-blog site
M: you remember that case about that head of village, right?
U: right
M: it seems that our gov’t doesn’t like people always focus on it.
U: ok
M: that volunteer professor seems being warned to keep away from this case.
M: Mr. Yu Jianrong.
M: He really starts to keep silent to that case.
M: Then he launched another campaign:
M: taking photos of the children beggers on the streets to help them go home.
M: It’s a controversial campaign.
U: so what happened with that
M: At first, I supported it but now, I also realized that it’s not that good now, maybe we offend those people’s civil rights.
M: You remember that movie: slum millionaire in India, right?
U: yes
M: some people kidnapped some kids, made them disable and forced them to beg on the streets to collect money for them
U: slum dog millionaire
U: ok
M: yeah, similar things also happen in China.
U: yes…i feel sorry for them
M: Some people said that: just don’t give a cent to the children beggers, then those evil people can’t use those kids to collect money, so those people won’t take other people’s kids any more and those kids can go home.
M: do you agree it?
U: maybe it is good idea
M: I have been against this method. I thought that “taking photos and posting them online” campain would be helpful.
M: The fact has proved both methods are not good.
U: yes of course
M: Most of Children beggers are really poor
M: Their parents really need money for their family. If don’t give money to them, they will really go home but may have no food to eat.
M: Do you remember that 6-year-old kid with AIDS virus? He just gets about $6 a month for a living from the gov’t
U: yes…..i understand their situation
M: Now, many netizens have made comments that we should force our authorities to do something for it, not the citizens to take photos of them and post them online.
M: taking and posting their photos offend their rights.
U: yes…i remember
M: It seems that our gov’t like to make the citizens to hit trafficking to take people’s focus away from their corruption and that case of the death of that man.
U: of course
U: always inventing a distraction
M: but the people said that there are so many monitor cameras on the streets, why does it need the citizens to take photos of those beggers. the people from the authorities can see them clearly from their monitor screens.
M: see, you didn’t think of it.
U: i thought of it
U: but you just typed it faster
M: Whatever campains the gov’t launch, at the end, people found that the problem is that the gov’t doesn’t do their duty.
M: that’s the main cause of all the problems
U: of course…now you realize it
U: government is always a problem
U: too much government is a problem …i should say
M: Our gov’t is huge.
Chinese netizens act to solve the issues as “slum dog millionaire” described in China
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