Updates of Qian Yun Hui’s death (4): the speculate about what was happening at that time

M: some news about that case of head of village.
M: do you like to hear?
U: tell me
U: i’m all ears
M: The people from the netizent investigation groups didn’t get evidence of murder
M: and two groups made two reporters saying that according to their preliminary investigation, it’s a traffic accident.
M: but there was a conflict : http://www.coolder.com/iblog/?p=2159
M: The atmosphere in that village and other villages are terrible.
M: The villagers are afraid of being arrested.
U: the plot thickens
U: building up
M: Have you seen the link? All the four groups have left that village.
(Note: Just now, I saw the announcement of one group on its micro-blog saying that they still have lawyers and netizens working there)
M: Now there are other speculates
M: One is like this: Mr. Qian was called and then he went to the site.
M: He saw some people and thought they might arrest him.
M: So he ran or fought with those people
M: and then that truck came.
U: wow…seems like a lot of trouble over an accident
U: so many police
U: how’s the new couch and sauna
M: wait a moment
U: you disappeared
U: vanished
M: why sauna?
M: I think maybe not many police.
U: a sauna is relaxing
M: It’s said that the gov’t likes to hire some people to arrest people for them
U: and in such cold weather you should have one
M: It’s said that they get payment of RMB200 if they arrest one person for the police.
U: the photos showed many police
M: It’s on Jan. 1
U: great way to start the new year
M: It’s a 7th festival after the death. A big day for Chinese custom.
U: yes….i see
M: wait a moment,
M: so now it’s important to talk to that person who called Mr. Qian before his death. But so far, no one from the investigation groups or reporters can get contact with him. He has got arrested soon after the death of Mr. Qian.
U: what are the charges?
U: why was he arrested?
M: The police said that he offended the law.
M: They always have reasons. That’s why the people have so much fear
M: Recently, a reporter was brought away by the police saying that he might take drugs, and had a test.
M: Now he is released but the people have more fear there.
M: It’s said that when that group led by that professor went to a hotel at the beginning, they couldn’t get enough food for their breakfast that day.
M: can you image why?
U: no i can’t imagine
M: Becaue a lot of plainclothes police followed them and moved in that hotel.
M: They had so big appitetes.
M: that they ate a lot and the hotel didn’t expect that.
U: and they ate their food
M: They ate the food from the hotel.
M: and the taxpayers paid for it.
M: So the hotel can’t offer enough food for the professors.
M: it’s so ironic
M: can you understand it?
U: it all seems so strange to me
U: its a totally different world
M: (nod)
M: I just saw a posting saying a young man was beat to death when he and their villagers went to protect their land.
M: and an older news said that a laywer was executed
U: executed for what?
M: The case of that young man just happened
M: for triad
M: it’s really sad.
M: It’s a case about that hit triad in Chongqing.
M: Do you remember that photo that the tank patroled on the street
M: on the National Day?
M: It’s that city.
U: yes
M: it’s past midnight.
U: i know
M: You heard all such stuff. Maybe you will have a nightmare
U:  sorry your landlord was busy moving things into your place
U: and sorry you did not get a sauna
M: they are moving the stuff to their rooms now. They will move more later
M: They move a big desk to my room
M: I’m using it  now
M: double of my old desk.
U: the desk or sauna?
M: table
U: a sauna is better
U: but a table is nice
M: yeah.
M: and a sofa will come later.
U: so you can lay down and chat
U: and be comfortable
M: hehe
U: haha
M: oh, the sofa is too big to move in so no sofa
M: if the speculate is true, what should be the punishment for all the people involved.
U: which people?
U: the police?
U: or the protesters?
M: the people who fought with Mr. Qian and the driver
U: they should be arrested and charged with murder
M: oh. Still a murder.
M: http://www.coolder.com/forum/1961-1-1

M: you can see the photo. The position of yellow flowers is where Mr. Qian died.
M: It should have a fought or something happened. Otherwise, no reason for a truck to go so far to another direction’s traffic lane to run over a person.
M: The truck is from left to right. Should be in the lane where the red car was
U: seems this story and event keeps you busy with your blog
M: From Christmas, I’ve been acting like a detective and reporter without payment.
M: I want justice.
M: for this man.
U: you really have a passion for this
M: If you are a Chinese, you will have such a passion too.
M: Almost the whole country’s netizens have been working like this these days.
M: Some even went to the scene to look at it themselves.
M: Still some netizens stay at that place now.
M: The Chinese people are eager for truth.
U: i hope the chinese will grow in desire for finding the truth
U: from the photos it looks as if many were curious as to what was happening
M: There were fighting.
M: Such things have been happening around the country for a few years
M: since micro-blogs get popular, the news spread faster than before.
M: This fun part is that whatever the authorities say, the people just don’t believe it.
M: When a person shows the same opinion as the authorities’ opinion, he/she will become a bad man in the public’s eyes.
M: The credibility is damn low of our gov’t now.
U: i have to go now
U: sorry
M: no problem.
U: you have much to say
M: I also need to go.
U: see you tomorrow
U: (hug)
U: good night
M: see you (hug)
M: good night

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