Check out how lustful you are (image)

U: hey
M: πŸ™‚
M: how r u?
U: i’m doing OK … doing some study on 3-point perspective and worm’s-eye view.
U: and you?
M: I’m preparing a test for you now πŸ˜‰
U: oh boy
U: another test
U: i hope i pass
U: i don’t want to disapponit you with a bad grade
M: tell me who you see in the picture and how long do you spend to see it.
U: At first glance it appears to be some leaves….then using my trained eyes…seeing the perspective and volume of the shadows….i see a naked woman lying down.
M: πŸ™‚
M: the first glance: top-class Satyr
the second glance: middle-class satyr
U: What does that mean?
M: I’m looking in the online dictionary now.
M: the first glance: top-class lecher; the second glance: middle-class lecher
M: πŸ˜‰
U: i’m still confused
U: it dosen’t matter
U: i hope i passed
M: πŸ™‚
M: if one can see it at the first glance, he is super lascivious; if one can see it at the second glance: very lascivious
M: do you think it’s correct?
U: i think it depends on the viewpoint of the viewer
M: oh, is it correct for you?
U: it is the way i saw it….so it must be correct
M: πŸ™‚
U: but it is just an opinion of whoever put this test on the internet
M: :^)
U: so…it is correct in the author’s opinion
U: and why are you using such sophisticated words like “lascivious” ?
M: I found it on the online dictionary.
U: are you now an English expert?
M: which word is suitable here?
U: i don’t know
U: look in the dictionary and tell me
M: lascivious
M: Lecherous
M: which one do you like here?
U: There must be a less sophisticated word other than the ones you have listed
M: (whew)
M: lustful?
U: ok…lustful
U: a more accurate definition
U: but no…i don’t consider myself lustful
M: “being lustful” isn’t that negative, right?
U: so…the results are correct
M: what do you think of yourself?
U: someone who can see what is in the drawing
M: (mm)
M: I saw it at the second glance too
U: the results of the test are not what one’s character is…but how one sees what is in the drawing
M: it’s just a joke
U: i understand
U: now i will laugh
U: πŸ˜€
M: is “lustful” that negative?
U: if you are lustful towards a lover…it is positive
M: oh, when is negative?
U: being lustful towards someone without consideration of their feelings
M: oh, i c
U: for example…just wanting to have sex with someone….and thats it….no feelings for them…is lustful in a negative way
M: Like that serial killer Russel William
U: killing is negative
M: sure
U: his lust was to kill
M: (nod)
M: lust can be fun.
M: everyone has lust
U: of course
U: its natural
M: yeah
U: I lust for Chinese food
M: πŸ™‚

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