爱吃辣椒的兔子 2010年5月4日 11:45:08

楼主按:我上网查了一下,Yahoo News 转载的美联社的新闻 China says Houston police beat, injured diplomat 评论很多,感觉里面很多是有大陆背景的网民发言,其他的几个,包括几家知名媒体,关于这个新闻的读者评论部分冷冷清清,我在CBC、BBC、CNN等西方电视新闻上都没碰到这则新闻。





the diplomat was wrong for not stopping BUT you can't beat up people! c'mon now...i can't believe how someone of yall are trying to justify the beating. we're in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. we have DUE PROCESS. it's against the law for police officers to beat up people unless they are threatened. i'm sure the 100 pound chinese diplomat wasn't much of a threat to the three police officers. the beating itself is wrong...no matter if he's a diplomat or not. this is blatantly police brutality in its purest form. 



Based on my experience as a Chinese and also as an American citizen, the Chinese cops will likely personal escort the US consul back to the consulate with full sirens. Officials, foreign and domestic, are above the law there.

This idiot consul thought he was still in China lol




I have every respect for Diplomatic Immunity . But the thing is, the diplomat did not stop to show his license or other identity certs. What's more, he didn't wait till the policemen came up and ran away. Who would know you're a *beep* diplomat? Put yourself in the cops' shoes, what would you do if you were one of the cops? If you don't chase after him you're neglecting your duty. That's it!

AND, I would have had difficulty recognizing the ordinary-looking grey construction as a consulate too. They do not even put a sign in English on the building. Will you stop to ask the name of the building when you're chasing after a suspect?

Why not take the trouble to tell the police your ID certs? Why ran away?? If he had done any of these, the police should be damned and I don't feel sorry for them. I'll wait and see for follow-up reports.




The cops have their own area to patrol every day. They know every corner of the area they are responsible for. So the cops should know where they were breaking in. Plus, the diplomat showed his certificate and told the cops his identity in the Chinese consulate, but the cops still punched him down, and handcuffed him. If the diplomat committed anything wrong, America can request the Chinese government to handle the issues through the diplomatic communication. Remember the Chinese consulate is the territory of China. For example, if an American kills a Chinese and flees back to America, do you expect the Chinese cops to just break in the borders of America and go ahead arrest him by themselves? If you don't want that to happen, I guess you can understand what's wrong with the three HPD cops.

警察每天巡逻的地域是一定的。他们应该了解那个区域的每个角落。因此,警察应该知道他们闯进去的是什么地方。而且,外交官出示了身份证,但警察还是把他揍趴下并铐了他。如果外交官作了什么错事,美国可以对中国政府提出请求通过外交手段来处理。别忘了,中国领事馆是中国领土。比如,一个美国人杀了一个中国人,逃回了美国,你想让中国警察闯入美国边界自己把他抓起来么?如果你不想这样,我猜你就能理解休士顿警察做错了什么。  ---- 楼主注:这个回帖估计也是从中国过去的人写的,在“误炸大使馆”事件中已经有过争论,某国领使馆并不是某国领土,只是根据日内瓦外交公约,领使馆在一定的条件下,享有一定的权力,比如外交特权和外交赦免权。美国警察触犯了日内瓦公约,但那个外交官也同样触犯了日内瓦公约,因为他触犯了所在国的法律,两者都有错。


At the least, the cosulate official in question should be sent on the next plane back to China. We can't prosecute him without China's permission but we can kick him out of the country.



Can we please not piss China off? They've aready come for their panda bears. If we keep pushing them they'll come for the billions of dollars we owe them. 


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