上一篇:意大利总理昨晚集会时被人打掉两颗牙 o.O
冯正虎的《美好生活》 && 汤姆.汉克斯的《幸福终点站》
米娅 2009年12月11日 19:08:30

     今天看《幸福终点站. The Terminal》,是大导演史提芬。斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)和汤姆。汉克斯(Tom Hanks)合作的片子,一气看完,我好久不怎么看电影了,觉得为了别人虚构的故事,浪费时间和感情,不如看真人秀,比如,美国总统就是很有意思的。前两天看到冯正虎的消息,见不少人因此提到《幸福终点站》,今天看完,有种触动,在片中的汤姆。汉克斯的身上,正在异国他乡磕磕绊绊的我看到了自己的影子,特别是他蹩脚的英语。从《阿甘正传》到《幸福终点站》,影片中看着傻傻的汤姆。汉克斯表达的一种理念,借用郎咸平的话,触动了一些人的一种集体人格,触动了这部分人心底最柔软的部分,这里就是:勤恳、执着、善良、诚实。


2楼 2010年2月3日 11:38:55 小兔网友

3楼 2010年2月6日 17:04:12 小兔网友

4楼 2010年2月12日 10:28:35 小兔网友

冯正虎抵达上海  http://www.daylife.com/search/photos/1/grid?q=feng%20%20zhenghu

Supporters of Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu hold banners with Feng's name as they wait for his arrival in Shanghai February 12, 2010. After three months of camping out in the transit lounge of a Japanese airport, the Chinese human rights activist has finally got his ticket home. A supporter of Feng Zhenghu, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport as part of a protest, holds a paper written with Feng's name on it as they wait for the arrival of the Chinese activist at Shanghai international airport in Shanghai, China, Friday,... Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu speaks to reporters outside his apartment upon his return home in Shanghai, China, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. Feng, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport as part of a protest China's refusal to let him enter the country,...

Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu hold flowers upon his arrival at his apartment in Shanghai February 12, 2010. After three months of camping out in the transit lounge of Narita airport in Japan, the Chinese human rights activist has finally got his ticket home after having been rejected eight... Supporters of Feng Zhenghu, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport as part of a protest, hold papers written with his name on them as they wait for the arrival of the Chinese activist at Shanghai international airport in Shanghai, China, Friday,... Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu, right, speaks to reporters  before he leaves for Shanghai  at the Narita International Airport in Narita , east of Tokyo, Japan,  Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. The Chinese activist who has spent more than three months living inside Tokyo's international airport said...

Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu waves as he arrives at his apartment in Shanghai, China, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. Feng, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport as part of a protest, flew home to China and was allowed into the country. Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu smiles upon his return to his apartment in Shanghai, China, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. Feng, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport as part of a protest, flew home to China and was allowed into the country. Supporters of Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu hold banners with Feng's name as they wait for his arrival in Shanghai February 12, 2010. After three months of camping out in the transit lounge of a Japanese airport, the Chinese human rights activist has finally got his ticket home.

Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu smiles with his wife Chen Xiao Qing upon his arrival at his apartment in Shanghai, China, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. Feng, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport as part of a protest China's refusal to let him enter the... Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu shows his passport and boarding pass before he leaves for Shanghai  at the Narita International Airport in Narita, east of Tokyo, Japan, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. The Chinese activist who has spent more than three months living inside Tokyo's international airport... Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu and his wife are seen upon his arrival at his apartment in Shanghai February 12, 2010. After three months of camping out in the transit lounge of Narita airport in Japan, the Chinese human rights activist finally got his ticket home after having been rejected...

Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu is seen upon his arrival at his apartment in Shanghai February 12, 2010. After three months of camping out in the transit lounge of Narita airport in Japan, the Chinese human rights activist finally got his ticket home after having been rejected eight times by... Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu smiles upon his return to his apartment in Shanghai, China, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. Feng, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport as part of a protest, flew home to China and was allowed into the country. An airport security worker, right, urges supporters of Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu to leave as they wait for his arrival at Shanghai international airport in Shanghai, China, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. Feng, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport...

Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu waves before he leaves for Shanghai  at the Narita International Airport in Narita, east of Tokyo, Japan, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. The Chinese activist who has spent more than three months living inside Tokyo's international airport said Tuesday, Feb. 2,  that... Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu is seen upon his arrival at his apartment in Shanghai February 12, 2010. After three months of camping out in the transit lounge of Narita airport in Japan, the Chinese human rights activist has finally got his ticket home after having been rejected eight times... Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu waves as he arrives at his apartment in Shanghai, China, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. Feng, who spent more than three months camped inside Japan's Narita international airport as part of a protest China's refusal to let him enter the country, flew home to China and...

Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu waves before he leaves for Shanghai  at the Narita International Airport in Narita, east of Tokyo, Japan, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. The Chinese activist who has spent more than three months living inside Tokyo's international airport said Tuesday, Feb. 2 that Chinese... Chinese activist Feng Zhenghu, left,  is surrounded by reporters before he leaves for Shanghai  at the Narita International Airport in Narita, east of Tokyo, Japan, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. The Chinese activist who has spent more than three months living inside Tokyo's international airport...

5楼 2010年5月7日 13:51:35 coolder.com



         我个人虽然很同情弱势群体,但我也不认为弱势就代表正义--看看历史就知道有的弱势掌握了权力后的愚昧、野蛮和残忍是多么令人发指,强势的就代表邪恶的 -- 现在强势的简直人人喊打了,也是很有理由的,但大陆的问题是弱势实在太弱,弱到被弄死了,上面,可能就是个县令,一个“河蟹”令下来,好像什么都没发生过,就是不能抹杀,也有御用的把弄死的再弄成“幸福鬼”,本人对此感到恶心至极,很欣慰看到有互联网、有冯正虎这样机智、幽默的人站出来帮助弱势群体说话,也赞同这个观点,在大陆,在没有法制、人权的保护下,每个人都是弱势。 

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