Tag Archives: wikileaks

Are those sex charges about the founder of Wikileaks related with USA’s gov’t?

M: how is that founder of wikileaks?
U: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/07/julian-assange-arrested-w_n_792956.html
M: It’s said that he turned himself in. I mean, what do you think his fate will be?
M: do you think those sex charges about him are related with USA’s gov’t?
U: i don’t know
U: the timing of all this is highly suspicious
M: yeah.
U: but now we all know that the US government can do some evil things

How have Mastercard and Visa’s websites been hacked (wikileaks, payback)

After Mastercard.com had been attacked, visa.com was attacked too just now. And they all was down for some place and some time. The reason is that they are against wikileaks.

This attack method is called DDOS (Distributed denial of service attacks).

Here is the explaination of wikipedia.org

Distributed denial of service attacks on root nameservers are Internet events in which distributed denial-of-service attacks target one or more of the thirteen Domain Name System root nameservers. The root nameservers are critical infrastructure components of the Internet, mapping domain names to Internet Protocol (IP) going to and other information. Attacks against the root nameservers can impact operation of the entire Internet, rather than specific websites.

It doesn’t damage the data in the targeted server generally. Just the server is so busy to answer the requests from the attackers that they can’t share any time to answer the requests from the real users when the server is attacked. When the attack stops, the server can be recoverd soon generally.

This attack needs a lot of attackers to send those fake requests to the targeted server at the same time.

Here is an example how the “Operation Payback” gethered their volunteer soldiers and started their cyber fire on twitter:

 Operation Payback
Anon_Operation Operation Payback
Current Target: www.mastercard.com | Grab your weapons here: http://anonops.net/anonops/Tools and FIRE!!! #ddos #wikileaks #payback


About 6 hours later, another tweet:

@Anon_Operation Operation Payback

WE ARE GLAD TO TELL YOU THAT http://www.mastercard.com/ is DOWN AND IT’S CONFIRMED! #ddos #wikileaks Operation:Payback(is a bitch!) #PAYBACK

How to deal with Wikileaks challenges the image of the USA’s government

To: M
Subject: Ron Paul  
Date: Fri,3 Dec 2010

Texas Congressman and former Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s Twitter repsonse to WikiLeaks.



Ron Paul’s Tweet:

Re: Wikileaks- In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble.

To U
Subject: RE:Ron Paul
Date: Sat,4 Dec 2010

that’s great news. I just saw the news that PayPal has stopped providing services to Wikileaks, so Wikileaks can’t receive the donations from paypal, which shows that USA are not a free country any more. It’s nice to see that there is a politician supporting wikileaks.
I hope wikileaks can survive. A lot of Chinese people are jealous of the western world having wikileaks now and admire the western world where wikileaks can survive.
Best regards.
M 🙂

To M
Subject: RE:RE:Ron Paul
Date: Sat,6 Dec 2010

Yes…I would have to agree with you that the USA is not as free as the government claims it is. I think the actions the U.S. government has taken towards WikiLeaks prove they can just as authoritarian as China.  Now they will be laughed at when they try to preach to other governments about human rights and free-speech. So sad.

U 😉

Wikileaks starts publishing Secret US Embassy Cables

Url: Secret US Embassy Cables

It says:

Wikileaks began on Sunday November 28th publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into US Government foreign activities.

The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified Secret.

I will follow it. It’s interesting.  🙂