Tag Archives: tiger mom

“maybe its a name (tiger mom) given to Chinese-American mothers”

U: you there?
M: hi, tiger
M: how r u?
U: yes…U tiger
M: 😉
U: maybe that could be my AV name
M: great idea
M: 😛
M: I just saw that tiger mom on TV.
U: oh really
M: did she name herself that nickname or other people gave her that nickname?
U: they will put anyone on TV these days
U: i think its a name given to all chinese mothers
M: it’s an interview on the TV show “Hard talk”, I think.
U: i don’t watch much TV
M: oh, she didn’t come from China actually, I heard.
M: She just has Chinese blood.
U: maybe its a name given to Chinese-American mothers
U: Korean mothers seem like they are the same way
M: Nowadays, Chinese parents are getting more open-minded and democratic to their children in the mainland of China.
U: Japanese mothers are more relaxed
M: Oh, Japanese women are not relaxed to themselves, I heard.
U: Just comparing mothers from that important part of the world
U: i’m not an expert on Asian mothers
U: just a hypothosis
M: I saw a bit of that interview. If that mother’s eyes shane green light, I wouldn’t be surprised.
M: do you understand?
U: somewhat
M: 😛
U: explain…”shane green light”
M: when a wolf are hungry and see some animal like rabbits,
M: its eyes will shine that color of light
U: oh..i understand now
U: attack attack attack
U: tora tora tora
M: (nod)
M: machine gun
U: do you understand ….tora tora tora?
M: a machine gun is shooting
U: no
M: what’s that, then?
U: it was the japanese code signal to launch to attack on the pearl harbor
M: oh, i c.
U: it translates to…attack attack attack
M: your explanation is better than my original meaning.
M: oh, i c.
M: I felt a bit scared when I saw that tiger mother.
M: when she argued.
U: don’t be frightened my little rabbit…i will protect you from mean tiger mother
M: 😛
M: then your eyes will shine green lights against that tiger

Chinese tiger moms turn their children into robots

Note: This kind of parents just have nothing better to do in their life. They are eager to get “success”, but they can’t themselves. They put their dreams on their children and forced them to do it. They just don’t know that everyone including their children has their own life, their own way to live, and their rights to choose what to do. They just do their best to kill their childrens’ capability of imagination, creative, and being happy.  When their children really turn into a robot as they expect, they think they are succeed themselves too. 

M: Have you heard “tiger moms” in USA?
M: It’s said that it’s a controversial topic in USA now
U: yes…”why chinese mothers are better than american mothers”
M: Chinese mothers are not better than american mothers.
M: You people think that Chinese mothers are tigers?
U: yes
M: sure
U: so strict
M: father too
U: turn their children into robots
M: Chinese parents are a pair of tigers.
M: a couple of tigers
U: couple=pair
M: yeah
U: thats why i sometimes call you “tiger”
M: I’m not a tiger.
U: i know…just a little joke
M: Two tigers usually have a lamb
M: give birth to a lamb
M: Two lambs will give birth to a tiger
U: and the world keeps going around and around
M: When I hear people admire or praise Chinese tiger parents, or those parents praise themselves, I feel hurt