Tag Archives: Sell on ebay

Sell on eBay (35): scarves arrived this afternoon

U: ((cash))
M: hi, I missed you
U: no you don’t
M: do you know why?
U: yes
M: why?
U: because i’m a real man?
M: πŸ˜›
U: no!
U: you laugh at my manliness
M: http://shop.ebay.ca/store_in_toronto/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25
M: have a look at it πŸ˜›
U: oh…you want feminine opinions
U: ok…time for my feminine side
M: ((chuckle))
M: my scarves arrived today
M: I just listed them on ebay.
U: i see
U: you have a gold star now
M: πŸ™‚
M: 10 positive feedbacks is a gold star, right?
M: do those scarves look beautiful?
U: I live in Toronto and am an IT programmer. No one smokes, no one drinks alcohol in the family, also no pets in the house.
M: I saw other people say so.
U: people will think you are religious fundamentalist
U: but yes…the scarves look beautiful
M: do you drink alcohol, smoke, have pets?
U: i only drink wine on special occasions
M: see, people will think that you are religous fundamentalist too.
U: but i don’t tell the public
M: ((mm))
U: but on occasion i do smoke
U: not tobacco…by the way
M: I don’t smoke. sometimes, I drink a bit wine
M: I like pets, but I don’t like to take care of them.
M: When I was a child, our cat usually slept with me.
M: πŸ˜›
U: my dog slept with me
U: he always would wake me up when it was time for me to wake up
M: the cat usually got up much earlier than me.
M: When I woke up, it always had disappeared long time ago.

Sell on eBay (34): more scarves

U: 😐
M: what?
U: what? what!
M: :O
U: so…how are you doing
M: fine, and you?
U: not bad
U: what are you doing?
M: I’m going to order some scarves
M: so many different colors and pictures
M: πŸ™‚
M: I will order 50 pieces
U: wow…really throwing out some investment funds
M: what do you mean? can you guess how much the price is? If I order 50, I can get a bit discount, otherwise, I have to pay its orignal price
M: 😐
U: good…sounds great!
M: you didn’t answer the question. Do you think how much it is for one piece?
M: 40% silk
M: 160 cm x 60 cm
U: $2
M: $1 πŸ˜›
M: more than $1
U: then its a really good investment
M: $1.3
U: you really may be on to something big
M: just 50 scarves,
U: yeah…but at that price you should be able to pay for them with just a few sales
U: but you already know that
M: not that good, some people already have been selling them on ebay
M: the price can’t go too high
U: oh really
M: ((nod))
U: well….it can, at least, establish you as a reliable seller
M: ((nod))
M: sure, it can make my ebay listings more colorful.
U: are you hiding?
M: I’m looking through those scarves. I try to choose some pictures which are popular.

Sell on eBay (33): things go quite well

U: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130502418253&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_500wt_1027
M: you got one bidder already
M: is it an American?
U: .99
U: wait…i will check
M: I guess it is.
U: yes…it is
U: it also has 10 watchers
M: that American who bought my papercuts with high price left me a positive feedback.
U: good
M: wow, so popular.
M: is it An Indian-American?
U: the illustration is of Indian-Indian…in India
U: it was made at cafepress
M: that American who bought my colorful flower paper-cuts left me a feedback saying excellent
U: you are excellent
M: he meant about that papercuts.
M: Cafepress’ ads was shown on my blog.
U: and the papercuts too…yes of course
U: because i sent you a link
M: it must be because we talked about cafepress and I posted it on my blog.
M: yeah ((nod))
U: now cafepress has all of your personal info
M: How come?
U: they even know that you visit ebay to shop for dirty socks
M: ((mm))
M: I have never done that
U: remember…you sent a link to me for that man’s dirty socks up for bid
M: it doesn’t mean I shop for them. I just saw them and was confused.
U: i’m sure you were confused
U: i was staggered
M: πŸ™‚

Sell on eBay (32) : silk scarves

U: πŸ™‚
M: πŸ˜‰
M: how r u?
U: hi
U: i’m fine
U: and you
M: I’m fine too. tks
M: what r you doing now, by the way?
U: just posting something to sell on eBay
M: show me when you finish it
U: i found this neat little jewelry box at work in the scrap bin
U: so…i asked for permission to have it….and the answer was yes
U: so…i took it and now its for sale on ebay
M: They should be glad that you took it away.
U: the link
M: When I asked if I could take the box in the food basic shop, the clerk was more than happy to say “yes, they are free”
M: it looks like a frame, not a box
U: look at the other pictice
M: oh, i c.
M: If you change its picture, maybe it will be nicer. πŸ˜›
U: perhaps i should arrange the photos in a better order
U: ok
U: i think so…i rushed in on there
M: oh, it’s clearer to show it’s a box
U: very good perspective research on your part
M: πŸ˜›
U: i will take more photos
U: and put better ones on
M: The photos are good. I mean if you change that Indian picture to another one, it will be better to my eyes. πŸ˜›
M: anyway, it’s a nice box.
M: πŸ˜›
U: just something to jumpstart me
M: oh, i c.
U: maybe you bid $50 on it and see if i can get a higher bidder?
M: πŸ˜›
U: perhaps $100
M: good idea
U: well…we’ll see what happens in 7 days
M: let me show you what I found today.
M: OK?
U: show me
M: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3779278923
M: 60 cm x 60 cm, 40% silk
U: Thats narley!
U: what is it?
M: what is narley?
M: it’s a neck scarf
U: i’m not sure?
U: i think it means “i like it”
M: how much do you think it is?
U: $1567.00
M: $0.4
U: oh…i was way off
M: The photo should be much better than the real scarf
M: but still the price is quite low, right?
U: its a nice item to have on your ebay store
M: yeah, I have ordered it, and wait for my brother to pay and send them to me.
M: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3746157523
U: it will be almost summer when you get them
M: I can sell them for autumn then πŸ˜›
M: it’s immitate silk, 52 cm x 52 cm
U: Not real silk
U: but its very attractive
M: not real silk, immitate silk
M: how much do you think it is?
U: $0.4
M: $0.2
M: πŸ˜‰
U: still too high
U: me…i measn
U: me…i mean
M: πŸ˜›
U: don’t print that part on your blog
M: ok, why?
U: why so high?
M: why “don’t print that part on your blog”
U: oh
U: because its a misspelled word
U: and
U: it will give the appearance that i rush when i type
U: and not pay attention to proper grammer and such
U: and therefore will not fall into good grace with the queen
M: πŸ˜›
M: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4032572337
M: How do you think about this one and how much? 40% silk, 55cm x 165cm
U: nice size and great color contrast
M: how much?
U: $0.466
M: $2
U: ho
U: thats higher….because of the size
M: I think it’s because of the quality. We can’t tell the quality from the photo, right?
U: it has nice color even in this photo
M: yeah.
M: I saw the comments. Someone said that the real one looks less nice than the photo.
U: did you buy it
M: yeah, I have ordered it
U: i think it is good
M: the price is low, right? it should be good for one season.
M: I’ve been busy on ordering some low price goods for my eBay these days.
U: you should be well-stocked by summer
M: hope so.
M: Just we haven’t talked other topics these days.
M: maybe we should give some time to Kaddafi etc.
U: well…if it seems interesting for you