A simple way to make money is to buy low and sell high. A simple way to make quick money is to sell fast. Then one thing is important: buy right things with right price to sell. Otherwise, you may need a warehouse and your fund gets stuck too.
I am running online stores on eBay and other websites. It had taken me quite a lot time to find what to buy and sell online. Recently, I made a website to do this job automatically. I just need to check it now and then. It saves me a lot of time. Here I share with you.
The website address is: http://wowbestsellers.appspot.com.
Put the keyword(s) in the space and just press a button. It will list the related items the people are buying and what their prices are on the auction websites.
I made it for my online store: http://wowjustbeautiful.ecrater.com and http://myworld.ebay.ca/soooo_lovely. Welcome to take a look at my online stores too.