Tag Archives: Real men love dogs

“Real men love dogs“(2)

M: hi
U: hi
U: how are you
M: fine, and u?
U: i’m OK
U: oh gosh….school starts up next Monday for me
M: oh,
U: oh no
M: http://www.coolder.com/iblog/?p=2384
M: what will you learn for the new semester?
U: ha ha…he sure loves his dog
M: more than u, right?
M: 😉
U: advanced design and advanced typography
M: oh, sounds good.
M: I have a question here.
U: ok
M: have you carried your daughter that way?
U: no…but my ex-wife carried her that way
U: on the back and on front
M: oh, you put her on your nick?
U: yes…when she was older
M: it’s nice.
M: Here you can see a lot of guys carrying their children that way.
M: it’s very nice.
U: nice for the children
M: nice for the fathers too.
M: it shows that the fathers are nice
M: same to putting on the nick.
U: neck
M:  yeah
M: sorry
U: ok
U: i say neck you say nick…so what
M: how do you people call those guys?
M: Chinese people like to call those guys “nai ba”
M: pacifier or house-man ?
U: what guys?
M: the guys who carry their children
U: real men
M: :P 
M: it seems that there still is some room for you to improve.
U: * is too old to be carried now
M: 🙂
U: so how can i improve
M: you will have a new dog, right?
U: yes…but dogs would rather walk
M: that’s an excuse
U: no…my dog hated to be carried
M: oh, you should have a rabbit or cat.
U: no…then i will have to carry it
U: a dog wants freedom to mark its territory
M: oh, i c
U: maybe you like being carried
M: no
… …
M: what are you doing, by the way?
U: i was making an illustration of a cat to animate
U: i have the shape
U: need to fill it in
M: oh, i c.
U: and then cut it apart
M: I think I will draw a picture of you according to your photo when i have time. Are you looking forward to seeing it?
M: 😉
U: you will trace it?
U: which picture?
M: how about that one in uniform
U: yes…i would look forward to seeing that
M: 😉
U: and i know you will look forward to drawing a real man
M: do you remember that you need to improve?
U: oh yes
U: but i will a small dog or child
M: oh,
U: i’m suppose to carry something
M: :P

“Real men love dogs“(with image)(1)

Topic: Chile miners rescue
… …
U: oh good…glad they all will get out
M: quite exciting
M: one miner said  “How’s the dog”  when he got out and met with his wife.
U: that sounds like something I might say
U: the dog is always loyal…unconditional love

Topic: religion
… …
U: i used to worship my pet dog…barny
U: i loved that dog

Topic: New Year’s hope
… …
M: What is your wish for 2011?
U: to get a new dog
M: how about your old dog then?
U: oh…and to visit Toronto
M: with your new dog?
U: i haven’t had a dog for 4 years
U: i think i will leave my new dog here
U: i will not bring dog to Toronto
M: big one or small one?
U: i don’t know yet
U: maybe mid-size dog
M: oh, why not a cat?
M: The cat is much more  lovely
M: Then you can bring it to Toronto with you.
M: 😉
U: cats are boring
U: they don’t play
U: dogs are fun…they act like children
M: oh, I like cat. Cats are much fun.
U: they have much more personality
U: cats stay to themselves
M: You can see many photos of cats online. Very lovely.
U: dogs are more bonding than cats
M: You can hold a cat or put it on your desk.
M: You can’t hold a middle-sized dog gerenally.
U: i don’t want to hold anything
M: 🙂

Topic: yoga cats
… …
M: do you feel those yoga cats lovely, by the way?
U: oh yes
U: its a very creative image
M: do you plan to get a cat instead of a dog? 😛
M: now
U: funny how you ask that
U: * wants to get a cat
U: my heart is set on a dog
M: oh, you can get both.
U: i just like dogs better
U: maybe
U: but a dog comes first
M: it will be funny to have a dog and a cat in a same home.
U: and * will like the dog and forget all about the cat
M: 🙂
M: let her see those yoga cats then
U: i saved the image
M: The dog will feel bored without a partner.
M: With a cat, they can fight with each other.
U: no…the dog will get plenty of attention
… …
M: I found that I could practice yoga from those cats on the carpet under my knees.
U: cool
M: 😉
M: you can’t practice yoga on your chair, anyway.
U: i know…but i can on my back
M: see, how great to have a cat.
M: 🙂
M: a yoga cat. you can’t have a yoga dog.
U: ha ha
… …
M: I think you should practice yoga with those cats a bit before you sleep
U: (hug)
U: not tonight
M: (hug)
U: (hug)
M: good night

Topic: title

M: http://www.coolder.com/iblog/?p=2384
M: what title do you think it should be?
U: Real men love dogs

Note to U: Honestly, this one seems more REAL ;):