Marijuana vs. that snake in God’s garden

M: this world is terrible now
 *** U sent 71wD1ADzI5L.gif ***
M: That case I told you about that dead girl is the first line topic around the worlds’ media now.
U: why do you say so
M: so many things that I can’t understand nowadays
M: it’s a maple with american’s flag
U: its not a maple leaf
U: its a marijuana leaf
M: oh, i c. why?
M: is it legal to take marijuana in America? had you taken it before?
U: of course
M: does it contain more poisoning stuff than tobacco?
U: its not really legal…but for the most part its decriminalized
U: it contains no poisons
U: its just a god-given plant
U: and good for tooth pain
M: are you taking it now?
U: i will never tell
M: oh, are your smart tooth hurting now?
U: no
U: and neither are the teeth that got drilled and filled
U: do you know why?
M: why?
U: i will never tell
M: ((mm))
U: but…i will tell that we used it many times in the war
U: it increased our senseof awareness
U: whoops
U: it increased our sense of awareness
M: oh, make you on alert
U: it makes you very very interested in what you are doing
U: full concentration
M: oh, produce some imagination, right?
U: no…not really…but you noticed details that you never notice before
M: people say that tobacco has the similar use.
U: it basically introduces you to your mind
U: no no no
U: tabacco is toxic crap
M: then why is it forbidden?
U: because it can be grown for free
U: and because you can make oil and medicine out of it
U: and so it would put the medication and oil industry out of business
M: no, you can be an addict for it.
U: so…in 1937 the US government passed the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act
U: you have to pay a tax to grow
M: 🙂 you are joking
M: you are teasing at me
U: but the tax is so high no one can afford to pay the tax
U: so unless you pay the tax…you can’t grow it
U: i am not
U: its true
M: it can make people an addict of it and can’t live without it.
M: It can change the system of the body.
U: no one gets addicted from it
U: thats a myth
M: you sounds not a good person now
U: sugar is more addicting than marijuana
U: what?
U: not a good person
U: in who’s opinion
M: like something evil, like that snake in that god’s garden
M: 😉
U: oh…coming from an expert I see
M: oh
U: OK…you want Bible stuff
U: i give you Bible stuff
M: ok
U: Genesis 1:29
M: ((mm))
U: God gave man all the plants and herbs to use
U: first page of the bible
M: 🙂

… …

U: anyway…time for sleep
M: ok
U: by the way…if you ever find yourself smoking marijuana…and you feel the wonderful effects it gives you…you would enjoy watching a video such as this
M: 🙂
U: i will leave with this from 1971
U: good night
U: ((hug))
M: from 1971?
M: ((hug))

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