What if Canadians don’t like the candidates of that party in their election district but they want to choose that party leader? (2011 Canada election)

M: Just so you know, the debate in French had finished for 2011 election. It’s quite fun.
M: I googled the background of the leader of Liberty Party.
M: I think that it is for sure that he would put Canada first if he were the Prime Minister and Canada and Russia had a conflict.
M: His parents were put in jail when Russia had a revolution. Later on, they fled away from Russia.
M: They might be dead in Russia at that time, I guess.
U: so he was born in canada
M: yeah.
M: His mother is a pricess.
M: I guess he was born in Canada. I don’t know.
M: He is quite humorous
M: Maybe his party will win
M: People have seen Mr. Harper for a long time. A new face will be attractive.
U: well..usually if there are early elections…the party out of power wins
M: Last time, the Conservative party won. If I don’t remember wrong, the Liberty party complained that they hadn’t well prepared since Mr. Harper announced an election so suddenly. The outcome was that Conservative party were re-elected.
M: In Canada and Britain, the people don’t elect the Prime Minister directly. They elect the party. Do you know it?
U: yes
M: what if the people don’t like the representative of their election area but they want to choose that leader?
U: seems like they are out of luck
M: :S
U: i’m not sure how it works in Canada
M: I know 😉
M: I’m 100% sure but I still double checked.
U: but you ask me anyway
M: Canadians elect one MP of their electoral districts
M: MP = Member of Parliament
M: The party which have the most memembers wins and the leader will be the Prime Minister.
M: understand?
U: i understand
U: of course
U: i know that
M: I was asking you what if Canadians don’t like the candidates of that party in their election district
U: again i don’t know that
M: ((mm))
U: i don’t know what happens then
U: i don’t know much about how the canadian system works
M: It will be fun if that Russian-Canadian’s son is the Prime Minister and Canada and Russia has some argument about that part of Arctic area.
U: it probably would be the same no matter who is PM
M: 🙂

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