Canada will have an election for the Prime Minister on Mar. 2

U: 🙂
M: ;), how r u?
U: i’m fine
M: good
U: and you?
M: I’m good
M: Canada will have an election for the new Prime Minister.
M: They debated in English on TV tonight. Tomorrow, it will in French.
M: On May 2, people will vote
M: A gov. collapsed so easy and fast.
U: yes…i read about this
U: but i didn’t know they had to debate in French
M: Yes, they will do.
M: On TV, you can see those politicians whose second language is English to debate with those English-speaker politicians.
M: That’s funny. They can’t speak that fluently as those English-speakers.
M: When we debate, you have advantage of language.
M: you must have felt it and make use of it ((mm))
U: maybe we should debate in French
M: c’est une bonne idée
M: 😛
U: see…you already win
M: 😛
M: it’s good to know two kinds of languages which a lot of people speak, right?
M: bilingual
U: french is the language of diplomacy
M: I’m bilingual: Mandarin and English 😉
M: Being bilingual is good for business.
U: with those two languages you should be able to rule the world
M: I haven’t realized it yet. I just feel it’s good for my ebay business.
U: sure
U: more potential customers
M: I mean “recognize” not “realize”
U: and you have advantage of buying items direct from china at a low price to sell on ebay
M: Yeah, I can find something from China with low price and sell them to English-speaker. It’s not easy for an English-speaker to find them.
M: I just knew that the leader of liberty party is a son of a Russian
M: he may be the next Prime Minister.
M: His father is a Russian immigrant
U: will you become a citizen in time to cast a vote on may 2?
M: Russia and Canada has some area that’s controversial around Arctic Ocean. What would he do if he were the Prime Minister and Canada and Russia have a conflict?
M: I have no right to vote at that time.
U: well…no chance of a conflict
U: i’m sure if he is PM…he will put Canada’s interests first
U: thats what his job would be
M: I think so.
U: he must
U: or he will not get re-elected
U: or get kicked out
M: 😛
U: thats the beauty of democracy
M: do you know that controversial area? Russian submarine had been there and those Russians celebrated it on their submarice. It seems that Canadians responded quite emotionaly.
U: around the north pole
U: they found oil there
U: and of course
U: thats a big issue these days
M: yeah. Both filed the issue to the UN.
U: is this going to be a debate issue?
M: these days it’s quite quiet. I thought of it just because I just knew that that leader is a son of a Russian immigrant.
U: perhaps this will come up in the debate
U: seems the opposition will try to capitalize on the fact that he may have “feelings” toward Russia and will “sell out” to make Russia happy
U: thats what would happen in USA these days
U: dirty politics
M: They didn’t debate about it tonight. It seems that all the leaders of oppisition party focused on critisizing Mr. Harper, the Prime Minister.
U: good…maybe Canada will focus on real issues
U: and not such trivial things such as his Russian background
M: I think probably it’s because he is not a target tonight. Anyway, Canadians are much more conservative than Americans
M: It’s less funny to watch CBC than CNN.
U: in some ways they are
U: CNN is very bad
U: CNN used to be a respected news channel
U: now its just a joke
M: On American TV, you can see those hosts of talk show etc. joked the president even face to fact.
M: On Canadian TV, those politicians get much more respects.

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