The answer for that Math Olympic question for grade 4 in primary school, which have changed a lot of adutls’ values

U: so…you had a test for me
M: 🙂
U: ok
U: i made two triangles
M: how?
U: ?
U: by putting a straight line across
M: from where to where?
U: wait
 *** U sent 13021284900 copy.jpg ***
M: where you found that graphic? it’s not that shape in my blog.
U: i know…i cheated and used photoshop
M: ((mm))
U: its impossible to make a triangle with the graphic on your blog
U: or two triangles
M: that’s for grade 4 of Primary school. you couldn’t find an answer and cheated it.
M: but there is really a method to do so
U: i see no way of making money by solving this quiz
U: so…i edited it
M: 🙂
M: do you like to know the answer or have a second thought?
U: let me see again and i will try to solve
M: 🙂
M: ok
M: do you like to have some hint?
U: ok
M: the straight line can be thin or wide, right?
U: it should be in proportion to the outline
M: the width can be 1 cm or 10 cm etc.. Here the requirement is just to be a straight line
M: you can decide the width of the line
U: oh i see
U: just make a square over this shape
M: you know the answer now?
U: yes
U: its not a line…but a shape
M: it sounds you still have some distance to the answer
*** U sent 13021284900 copy.jpg ***
M: noooooooooooo
M: it’s not a straight line
U: the directions are not clear
M: that’s two
M: nooooooo. if you think it’s a wide staight line, it doesn’t divide that graphic into two triangles.
M: brb
M: how is it going?
M: do you need more hints?
U: its obviously a trick
U: not a proper geometric problem
M: It’s said that it’s a Olympic math test
U: but its impossible to do such
M: 😛
M: some kids really can do such probably
U: with a straight within the boundry of the object
M: you have worked it out?
U: its a trick…not logical
M: do you want to know the answer?
U: it has five sides
M: 😛
M: it makes a lot of adults confused for sure
U: unless its folded
M: ((rofl))
M: Do you like a riddle?
M: It’s much easier than that math test
U: is it in relation to this shaped object
M: no, just hope you can get confidence back from this riddle 😛
U: ok
M: so your sleep won’t be affected by that test.
M: It looks like a dog when you look at it from the distance;It looks like a dog when you look at it closely; but even you kick it or beat it, it doesn’t move.
M: what is it?
U: why would someone want to kick a dead dog
M: see, you are smart
U: ok…what about the shape

U: thats not a line
M: that’s a wide and staight line
U: thats technically a rectangle
M: 😉
U: ok…that was bad
M: if it’s no end on both direction, it’s a line
U: in logical proportions its two triangles and one rectangle
U: my first answer was better
M: it can be a wide and straight line too.
M: the line is too thin in your first answer
U: and this one is not thick?
M: this one is quite wider to cover that short side of that shape
U: ok…i guess it would take a child’s mind to get it correct
M: maybe, just like that bus, remember?
M: “which direction is it going”
U: yes i remember
M: sometimes adults make things too complex
U: some adults don’t have a pencil wide enough to make such a thick line
M: 😉
M: maybe when you can’t solve a question, it’s a good choice to ask your daughter for an answer 😉
M: it’s quite late
M: are you asking for your daughter for an answer now?
U: she is asleep
M: 🙂
M: if she is awake, maybe she could help you with that math test
U: perhaps she would have made the correct choice sooner than i
M: sure 😛
U: wow
U: it is late
M: yeah, good night
U: that silly puzzle took most of our time tonight
M: that test is out of your imagnation
U: yes of course
M: I can’t think out that answer either.
U: you probably got it after a few seconds
M: it’s less wonderful than that “bus with love” test, right?
M: that test is amazing
U: the bus was a classic
M: it’s said that it’s a test for a CEO position
U: yeah…i would believe that
M: 🙂
U: CEOs don’t take tests by the way
M: they take interviews
M: right?
U: they are appointed by the board of directors
U: and they choose the man who has the best parties
M: the board may interview the candidates
U: or who can provide the best looking prostitutes
M: 😉
U: you have much to learn
M: I don’t want to be a CEO.
U: but if your eBay business grows and expands and you have to appoint a board of directors…and then they will decide to keep you as CEO or appoint someone else
… …

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