What should the western world do to support protesting Chinese people

M: maybe you can put Kaddafi’s glass on your T-shirt.
U: cool
U: but now…there are reports that he may be right about Al quida being involved
U: and the west could be helping al quida
M: oh, I don’t follow his news now. too busy on my business, 😉
U: how stupid is that
U: good…you should pay more attention to your own news
U: because the world is getting too crazy
M: I have some ideas about China in fact.
U: i like the chinese flag
M: When the protesting people were killed on that square,
M: the western world said that they made sanctions on China.
M: in fact, they could do a very simple thing to help Chinese people.
M: They can frozen the properties of the Chinese officials in their countries.
M: if they do so, no one can fire in China, I guarantee.
M: publish and frozen those properities of those Chinese officials like they have done to Kaddafi and Mubarack.
M: but they didn’t do so, so they just pretend they support Chinese people. In fact, they just want benefits from it.
U: because of too many business interests in china
M: that’s correct
U: yes

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