Sell on eBay (17): the shipping rate is very high in Canada

U: (cash)
M: :^)
U: (~)
M: how r u?
U: i’m fine
U: and you
M: fine too
M: Just so you know , today, my Yoga pants was sold.
U: really
U: good
U: how much?
M: one American bought it.
M: in total it’s $20.85
U: a woman or man
M: but I only gets $7.93, I think
M: most went to the Post Office
U: why so little?
M: CDN$10 is the shipping fee
M: CDN$1.81 is the mailer
M: then the commission fee for eBay is $0.28 and I think that the PayPal is $0.92
M: its name is **
M: is it a woman or man?
U: could be either
M: 😛
U: its one of those names that goes both ways
M: oh, in OH
M: Ohio?
U: yes
M: oh,
U: it borders canada
M: really?
U: lake erie
M: oh, i c
M: I thought Americans wouldn’t buy my clothes
M: the clothes’ prices in USA are lower than in Canada.
M: generally
U: maybe they like your things
M: (mm)
U: most people on ebay are impulse buyers
U: never give feedback first if you sell
U: wait for the buyers feedback
U: then give feedback
M: why?
U: because they might give you negative feedback
M: usually if I buy, the seller gives me positive feedback first. if I sell, I give the feedback first.
U: well…save your feedback if you sell
U: wait
M: oh.
U: so if they give negative feedback you can retaliate
M: 😛
U: its true
U: some people are mean
U: they do it on purpose
U: thats why you wait until they give feedback
U: understand?
U: good
M: so far, I haven’t met any trouble. If I meet some trouble, all the work I have done so far will be in vain
U: now you will become an eBay pro
M: ok, I will wait
M: 😛
U: you want to keep 100% positive feedback
M: yeah, so far, it’s 100%
U: good
U: keep it that way
M: I only sell good stuff. if the clothes isn’t good, I will donate to the clothes bank.
U: you are an angel for doing so
U: thats what i do
U: except i sometimes sell scrap t-shirts i get from work
M: I bought a sweater on my way back from the Post Office. It’s just CDN $2.26. I will try to sell it. If I can’t sell it, I can donate it anyway.
U: or bumper stickers…or other things they make where i work
M: how much for one scrap t-shirt
U: i start out asking for a bid of 0.99
M: maybe they are sample t-shirts
U: if it has a popular figure like sarah palin or a popular design it will sell for 410
U: i sold a ‘twilight’ hoodie for $24
U: anything with ‘twilight’ will sell
M: sell for 410 US dollars?
U: sorry
U: $10
M: oh, i c. including shipping fees etc.?
U: my shipping fee is always $3
U: plus the shipping fee
M: oh, by letter mail?
U: US postal service
M: oh, the shipping fee is so low.
U: sometimes cost more
U: usually 4.25
U: but i charge $3
U: everything i sell costs me nothing
U: so…its all profit
M: oh, still quite low. The parcel of the pants just 270 g, it’s CDN$9.9 as regular parcel.
M: shipping fee for letter mails is low but can’t be thicker than 2 cm.
U: wow
U: thats high
M: The prices in USA for many things is lower than here.
M: The efficiency in Canada is low
U: i can see that

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