“maybe its a name (tiger mom) given to Chinese-American mothers”

U: you there?
M: hi, tiger
M: how r u?
U: yes…U tiger
M: 😉
U: maybe that could be my AV name
M: great idea
M: 😛
M: I just saw that tiger mom on TV.
U: oh really
M: did she name herself that nickname or other people gave her that nickname?
U: they will put anyone on TV these days
U: i think its a name given to all chinese mothers
M: it’s an interview on the TV show “Hard talk”, I think.
U: i don’t watch much TV
M: oh, she didn’t come from China actually, I heard.
M: She just has Chinese blood.
U: maybe its a name given to Chinese-American mothers
U: Korean mothers seem like they are the same way
M: Nowadays, Chinese parents are getting more open-minded and democratic to their children in the mainland of China.
U: Japanese mothers are more relaxed
M: Oh, Japanese women are not relaxed to themselves, I heard.
U: Just comparing mothers from that important part of the world
U: i’m not an expert on Asian mothers
U: just a hypothosis
M: I saw a bit of that interview. If that mother’s eyes shane green light, I wouldn’t be surprised.
M: do you understand?
U: somewhat
M: 😛
U: explain…”shane green light”
M: when a wolf are hungry and see some animal like rabbits,
M: its eyes will shine that color of light
U: oh..i understand now
U: attack attack attack
U: tora tora tora
M: (nod)
M: machine gun
U: do you understand ….tora tora tora?
M: a machine gun is shooting
U: no
M: what’s that, then?
U: it was the japanese code signal to launch to attack on the pearl harbor
M: oh, i c.
U: it translates to…attack attack attack
M: your explanation is better than my original meaning.
M: oh, i c.
M: I felt a bit scared when I saw that tiger mother.
M: when she argued.
U: don’t be frightened my little rabbit…i will protect you from mean tiger mother
M: 😛
M: then your eyes will shine green lights against that tiger

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