Is German World War II millitary uniform forbidden in Germany?

M: I have finished two battles online today.
M: I have a question here, ok?
U: ok
U: ask me
M: about Nazi Military Uniform
M: Is it forbidden in Germany?
U: the uniform style is not forbidden
U: but if it has the swastika on it is forbidden to wear in public
M: oh, i c
U: for historical performances it is ok
M: Do Germans think that the military and citizens are criminal as a collective during that time?
U: no
M: is it ok to say those uniforms are beautiful in Germany?
U: the uniform style is beautiful
M: oh,
U: it is ok to say such
M: oh, i c.
M: then do Germans think what’s wrong with them at that time?
U: what do you mean?
M: oh,  I heard that Germans think that that country hurt other countries during that time and they should take the responsibility as a whole. So they paid quite a lot compensation to other countries in Europe.
U: germany has been a very good trading partner in europe
U: they spread some of its wealth around
M: oh, ic.
U: Most people don’t think of germany today as being anything like nazi germany
M: do Germans think they are compensation for what they have brough to other countries during that war?
M: I mean those wealth they spread around
U: they have paid such compensation
M: there were some war crime.
U: yes…both sides committed war crimes
U: but the victors write history
M: do Germans think they were responsible for those war crimes?
M: or all belongs to Nazi?
U: they blame hitler and nazis
M: They don’t think that they were a collective at that time to support that gov’t and should be responsible for it?
U: Hitler was elected with only 32% of the vote
U: then the nazis took power by force
U: so…many germans opposed the nazis
U: but the nazis started the war
M: What do Germans think of that military during that time?
U: and so the average german had to fight to survive
M: oh, i c.
U: once the war started they had no choice but to fight
M: where did those solders, and generals go when they were beat?
M: did they go to labor camps?
U: most ended up in POW camps and stayed there for a year or so
M: then they went home to find a job for a living?
U: some deserted the military and went back into civilian life
U: the german economy recovered quickly after the war
U: and jobs were available
M: did the country provide some welfare for their serving in the military?
M: maybe some lost health, or disabled because of the war
M: what happened to them? would the country support them?
U: of course
U: there was also American aide from the Marshell Plan
M: oh, sounds good.
M: much better than our heros for protecting our country, even though we won.
U: because of a christian based culture
M: most of our heros had a miserable life
M: in the mainland of China.
M: some of them were sent to the labour camp
M: some of them were abused
U: thats a nice reward
M: now, Chinese netizens have launched an activity to help our heros.
M: they are quite old now and some already died.
U: many German war veterans started their own businesses in the new rebuilt economy
M: netizens donate money to them for their medical costs etc..
M: we were in the communist camp at that time.
M: we didn’t speak with you, the people from the capitalist camp.
M: (mm)

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