An American’s life vs. A Chinese’s life

Note: When I think over my life experience in China, I don’t regret that I was born in a developing country, but there is one thing that’s really regretful. That is that I had to spend so much precious time and energy to do things that the ruling party forces the Chinese people do to keep their ruling forever. We already stood in a starting line far behind the people from developed countries because we were born in China. Then we have to bear a lot of loads from this ruling communist party to go forward. For example: a lot of “must pass” political courses.

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M: so, I removed my chair and put a blankets on the floor. Now I kneel on it to use the computer .
M: I have waist pain.
U: i like laying on my back sometimes when i use my laptop
M: yeah. I’m thinking when the weather gets warm, I will buy a bicycle to ride around. It will be good for health.
M: That video said that walking and running is good for spine.
U: i ride bicycle often
U: with *
M: on the sidewalk or on the lane?
U: both
U: there are many side roads with very little traffic
U: and also bicycle paths
M: it seems that the people riding bicycle must wear a helmet, right?
U: i never do
U: but does
M: yeah, like that one I have met said that one 10 mile/ hour.
M: maybe 5 mile, can’t remember clearly
U: i just remember that if i fall off my bike not to land on my head
M: but the police will catch you and punish you if you don’t wear a helmet.
U: not here
U: there is no such law
M: any other rules?
U: and besides i can go faster than the police
M: maybe when you are younger, but now, you have to use bathroom πŸ˜‰
U: i will remember to wear a diaper if i am chased by the police
M: πŸ™‚ great idea.
M: Maybe I will ride a bicycle to Ottawa this spring πŸ˜›
M: oh, no, it will take years, I can’t afford it.
U: is there a bike path to ottawa
M: I don’t know.
U: maybe take a few days
M: πŸ™‚
M: see how lovely those cats are
M: do you do Yoga?
U: i have tried yoga before
M: πŸ™‚
U: but i prefer swimming
U: but yoga is great for mind and body
M: πŸ™‚
U: how about you?
M: I have tried yoga
M: but no such patience
U: yes…i agree
U: it takes much patience
M: I don’t like to put my head under water, but I put my head out of water, I will drop.
M: I have to put out and in water again and again when I swim
U: does yoga involve water?
M: frog swim,
U: oh…ok
M: I’m talking swimming
U: yes…i see
M: I can do backstroke
U: i like diving from a diving board
M: I had tried to learn front crawl before
M: I remember that one time, when I was practicing it, one guy held my arm. He thought I was drowning
M: I had dived just one time.
M: My head hit the floor a bit.
U: so…he had to give you mouth-to-mouth
M: (punch)
U: 8-|
M: I like safety.
M: not adventure.
U: there is no risk in safety
M: diving is dangerous
U: not at all
U: just don’t use your head to hit the bottom
U: or wear a helmet
M: you are good at sports.
M: I think that I was good at sports before high school, but when so much exams for school study, I degraded at it.
U: i always had time for sports activity
U: i always made time for it
U: the blood flows to the brain and helps one think clear when its time to study
M: American kids don’t have such pressure as Chinese kids have.
U: i think not true
M: I mean Chinese kids have a lot of exams in writing.
U: i had many exams too
M: But Chinese kids had to get higher scores than other kids to survive in this society.
M: For Americans, just exam.
M: When I was in junior middle school, there was a sports competition, my former classmate went to my home to call me to join their group. They thought I was good at it as before, but I regressed so fast.
U: oh my
U: what sort of sports?
U: Austrailian rugby?
M: I’m searching its English name
M: kick shuttlecock πŸ™‚
U: what is that?
M: We played it during the breaks between classes.
… …
U: i don’t want to play kick shuttlecock
U: i would prefer to save chinese girl from drowning
M: In my impression, when I was in primary school, I just couldn’t stop.
M: after one exam and another, I just don’t like to move.
M: For our university, in our province, just took two students. The competition was very severe.
M: Our province has around 0.1 billion population.
U: wow…did you get chosen?
M: of course
U: i knew it
M: Those exams kill a lot of potential talents of the students and trained out a lot of exam robots.
M: I’m one of exam robots.
U: but that creates a high level of intelligence
M: I can’t feel it.
U: but …you seem to me very intelligent
U: most of the time
M: that’s not from that education. I learnt it by myself.
U: but the way your brain was trained in the way you think
M: do you remember that my opinion is different from my classmates?
U: i remember
M: The way I think isn’t the result of that education.
U: i see
U: its because you hit your head at the swimming pool
M: (mm)
M: My parents think that I’m the good result of their training.
M: it’s so wrong.
U: then tell me why you think so
M: I think that I’m just lucky enough to keep myself from their “training” and the school’s “training”.
U: own your own mind
M: Their training are “slave training”
U: you say things like an american now
M: I think that they never care about what I want, they just care about other people want from me and how to satisfy them.
M: they care a lot about what opinions of other people are about me.

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