Category Archives: Chats

M is me
U is An Ameircan

hi, you said you are glad I post the conversations we had online. ;)

“Osama Bin Laden wasn’t killed by the S.E.A.Ls”

M: I tell you some news you will be shocked.
M: It’s about Osama Bin Laden!
U: ok
U: shock me!
M: New discovery
M: Osama Bin Laden wasn’t killed by the S.E.A.Ls
M: When the SEALs got there, he had already died.
U: how do you know this?
M: Then, the SEALs just said they did it to make the USA look good.
M: I haven’t finished the news yet
U: i know…you got this info from The People’s Daily
U: πŸ™‚
M: The SEALs wondered why
M: They searched his room and found a box of milk
U: ok
M: China’s Mengniu Milk
M: understand?
U: ha ha
U: yes…funny funny
M: I haven’t finished the news yet
U: you should be on a stage telling such jokes
M: The leader of Mengniu milk company announced that this was a rumor.
M: He said that because he only sold poisoning milk to Chinese
M: πŸ˜‰
U: very witty
M: That leader really said so in some way. He said in public that the milk that his company sold overseas and to Hongkong has a better quality than the milk sold domestically
M: People got angry for his annoucement. Later on, he apologized for it.
M: All are from the postings in the Chinese website.
U: greedy chinese capitalists…putting profits before human health
M: Mao should be turning in his tomb
M:Β  πŸ™‚

Sell on eBay (41): “I need to find new great items to sell”

M: Today I went out to ship five mails πŸ˜›
M: for scarves
M: I got 2 positive feedback for the scarves today.
M: 3 new bids on the scarves today
M: quite good πŸ™‚
U: business is really starting to boom
M: a few kinds of scarves are out of stock πŸ™‚
U: from china?
M: I just ordered one or two for some colors
U: i’m amazed that you found such a great item to sell
U: how is it going with the papercuts?
M: Because I’m smart. πŸ˜‰
M: No papercuts I bought sell so far.
U: usually smart people wear glassesΒ  8-|
U: so…you are just half-smart
M: Do you wear glasses?
U: no…
U: but i put on fake glasses to make people think i’m smart
M: I’m an honest person
M: half is smart, half is honest
M: πŸ˜‰
M: Half of you is smart. Half of you pretends you are smart.
U: an honest woman with a brain
M: ((nod))
U: that is a dangerous combination
M: why?
U: because an honest woman with a brain could end up ruler of the world
U: and men will be slaves
M: :O
M: I am not interested to be a ruler
M: I have no ambitions about it
U: Just ruler of your own business
M: I just hope I can have freedom to do what I like.
M: I need to find new great items to sell
M: right?
M: I will wait and see. no rush.
U: i wish you success at achieving that goal
M: πŸ™‚
U: yes…its always good to have some variety
U: thats how you make the business grow
M: have a look at this link, beautiful wraps
U: and…combine that with some good marketing…and then…BAM!
M: yeah, but what is BAM? πŸ™‚
U: like an explosion…like a rocket blasting off
M: maybe one day, I can just give orders to the factories to produce some scarves I need directly.
U: that page you linked me to has a cute t-shirt model
M: yeah.
M: can you understand its meaning?
U: it looks like she is making the man(boy) do some cleaning
U: because of mother’s day perhaps
M: The right one is a dish-washing machine. It shows: I only do dishes, not take meals.
M: The T-shirt of that boy has the same words: I only do dishes, not take meals.
M: On the T-shirt of that girl is: I only take meals, not do dishes.
U: understand?
U: yes
U: clever
M: πŸ™‚
U: it makes the point i made earlier about a woman ruler

“It’s better to choose an honest and smart man than a slave”

U: it makes the point i made earlier about a woman ruler
M: :O
M: I have never been a ruler of that.
M: Just sometimes, there are volunteers to do some work for me. πŸ˜‰
M: Have you been a slave like that?
U: no…but i want to be
U: i am willing to learn
M: πŸ˜›
M: I’m not that interested to slave someone. I prefer equality.
M: If I like someone, he doesn’t need to do slave work for me. If I don’t like someone, it’s useless to do slave work for me.
M: πŸ™‚
U: so…with that statement…i can never win
U: oh well…i guess i will not order that book on “how to be slave”
M: πŸ˜›
M: A slave isn’t reliable.
U: if you punish the slave correctly they will learn to be reliable
M: It’s better to choose an honest and smart man than a slave
U: a smart and honest man is very difficult to find perhaps
M: yeah, half of it is not that difficult to find
U: in other words a good man is hard to find
M: no one is perfect.
U: or is it…a hard man is good to find
U: what do i know
M: what is hard?
U: just a play on words
M: oh
U: re-arranging the words to make a silly statement
M: πŸ™‚
U: but…it is true is some ways
M: Generally a woman or man has many flaws. It’s not wise to ask another one is prefect.
U: you keep deleting
M: I’m quite wise, right?
M: I’m mature now.
U: and you don’t even wear glasses
M: ((mm))
M: I wear sunglasses
U: a wise mature woman with sunglasses is good to find
M: πŸ˜‰
U: any photos with you wearing sunglasses
M: yeah
U: i think i have one or two on my other computer
M: When I pick you at the airport, we both wear sunglases.Β  πŸ˜‰
U: i like the photos when you are sailing in red t-shirt
M: to show we are totally, 100% smart.
M: tks πŸ™‚
U: i wonder if i should wear a yankees baseball cap
U: so you will recognize me
M: You are so tall, I can recognize you if I see you at once.
U: not so tall
U: maybe slightly taller than average
M: that’s enough to be seen.

“If she just looked him being burnt to die, she didn’t deserve his love”

M: It’s nearly midnight. I tell you a story.
M: ok?
U: yes…ok i hope so
M: Do you remember that building burnt in Shanghai?
U: oh yes
M: A lot of people were died of that fire.
U: i know
M: There’s a story which may not be true.
U: i seen photos…and it was a big fire
M: It’s said that there were a couple: a girl and a bog.
U: *boy
M: yeah πŸ˜›
M: They tried to flee. They went out from the window.
M: They were in high layer
M: There were a lot of sticks along the building, remember?
M: That building was in some renovation.
U: scaffeling…i beleive its called
U: scaffling
U: ???
U: i know…go on
M: It’s good you know it
U: i seen the photos
M: it’s always a pleasure to tell stories to a smart man.
U: smart and hard
M: They stood on the woods.
M: since there were fire around them
M: There was no space for them to go.
U: don’t tell they jumped!!!
M: It’s said that that boy held that girl to protect her from the fire.
U: i would do that
M: At last, that boy was burnt so serious that he was dead in the hospital later on.
M: That girl was rescued, just gently burnt.
U: he was very brave
M: It’s said that that boy’s brain was burnt too bad so he died. Before he died, he told that girl to live well.
M: Are you moved?
U: very much
M: When someone posted this posting on the Chinese micro-blog site, a lot of people showed that they were moved.
M: But I wasn’t moved
U: for anyone to sacrifice themselves to save another deserves a special place in the next life
U: so…its not true
M: A lot of people were moved by the love between them.
M: I doubted it. A girl even blamed me for it.
M: πŸ˜›
U: why do you have a doubt?
M: I said, what was that girl doing at that time?
M: That boy protected her. Why did she not consider his safety?
U: maybe it was his choice to protect her
U: would you prefer they both die?
M: but she also could make her choice.
M: I prefer both were injured but survived to one dead, another perfect healthy.
M: If she just looked him being burnt to die, she didn’t deserve his love.
U: that is logical…but is it realistic?
M: They could change their places now and then. Both had a chance to take a break and then survive.
M: If I was that boy, my girlfriend just looked me going to die. I didn’t think that she deserved my love.
U: thats difficult to know without actually witnessing it
U: but…you make a great point
M: πŸ™‚
M: I showed that point to that girl who blamed me.
U: how was she finally saved?
M: She didn’t think it was a great point. She said, how about that girl was unconcious at that time.
M: That’s an excuse.
U: yes…i agree
U: you do have great wisdom
M: There were firefighters to rescue people at that time. They were rescued by those firefighters.
M: Most likely it may be a story made up by someone.
U: again…you show your wisdom
M: πŸ™‚
U: the press likes to make up stories to sell newspapers…etc
M: If you are that boy, do you think you are stupid when you are in hospital and dying?
U: i would probably be in too much pain to think about it
M: you have a moment to think about it for sure. Then what is the answer?
U: if i loved her and she lived….then I hope to have a better life in the next one
M: good answer πŸ™‚
U: ((sweat))
M: you know it’s useless to complain at that time
M: it’s a smart choice to look good like a stupid hero
U: usually a hero is someone who did something stupid
M: πŸ™‚
U: its late
M: πŸ™‚
U: i’m on overtime now
M: it’s time for you to sleep
U: and you
M: πŸ˜‰
U: don’t drink too much water before sleep
M: πŸ˜›
M: be a wise hero, not a stupid hero
M: think about in the bed.