上一篇:加拿大邮票小全张:Christmas 2008 - Winter Fun(图)
下一篇:2010年加拿大邮票小全张:Canadian Geographic‘s Wildlife Photography of the Year(图)
2010年加拿大邮票小全张:The Four Indian Kings(图)
米娅 2011年3月11日 13:23:13

Canada Post网页上的描述:

The Four Indian Kings - Souvenir Sheet

The earliest surviving full-length depictions of North American Aboriginals painted from life, the portraits featured in this issue present a vivid record of the authoritative Aboriginal presence at the meeting with the British Queen in London on April 19, 1710.

Issue Date: April 19, 2010

面值:2.28 加元

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1. 2010年加拿大首日封:Roadside Attractions
2. 2010年加拿大邮票:Canadian Navy: 1910-2010 - Booklet of 10 Stamps(图)
3. 2010年加拿大邮票小全张(Overprint):The Four Indian Kings(图)
4. 2010年加拿大邮票小全张:Canadian Geographic‘s Wildlife Photography of the Year(图)
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