米娅 2011年3月9日 19:45:33

Canada Post 网页上的描述:

Marine Life: Sea Otter and Harbour Porpoise - Souvenir Sheet

The images featured on the stamps on this souvenir sheet were engraved by Swedish master engraver Lars Sjööblom and based on photographs of the animals. Designer Martin Mörck captures the animals on the same level both in front of and behind the water, under the water, and at the surface of the water. This issue includes elliptical perforations. 

Issue Date: May 13, 2010

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1. 2010年加拿大首日封:Roadside Attractions
2. 2010年加拿大邮票:Canadian Navy: 1910-2010 - Booklet of 10 Stamps(图)
3. 2010年加拿大邮票小全张(Overprint):The Four Indian Kings(图)
4. 2010年加拿大邮票小全张:The Four Indian Kings(图)
5. 2010年加拿大邮票小全张:Canadian Geographic‘s Wildlife Photography of the Year(图)
6. 2010年加拿大邮票小全张:庆祝我们的奥运精神(图)
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13. 《时代》周刊2010年最佳年度肖像:斯蒂文.乔布斯(图)
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15. 2010年网络语录
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