Tag Archives: Japan

Japanese nuclear reactors meltdown in earthquake vs. sunken Russian nuclear-powered submarine “Kursk”

U: good evening
M: good evening.
M: how r u?
M: it seems that Japanese power plant is in danger now.
U: not bad
U: and you
M: not bad too. tks
U: i saw video of the explosion….did you see it
M: no. I saw a few of pictures.
M: what will happen? it’s said that U.S. millitary has provided help for it.
U: i don’t know what will happen
M: It’s said that someone has died for it.
M: Do you know that leak of Russian power plant?
U: of course
M: It’s said that $5,000 Russian soldiers went to shut down it without protection equipments.
M: Later on, all of them died 
U: i’m sure there will be better prepared precautions for this one
M: The victims was put in lead coffins in that Russian power plant disaster.
M: it’s better, but still, too much radiation. no human being is allowed.
M: I read a posting saying that 20 Japanese went in and when they went out, around 10 got that symptoms of being radiated.
U: not many details yet of any contamination…in the next few days we will see
M: But the next group of Japanese are preparing to go in again.
M: They are brave but the situation is really cruel.
U: i know
M: The places along the eastern sealine of China is affected by this nuclear radiation leak.
U: already
M: do you ask me?
U: you said so
M: maybe. people are forwarding a posting about this warning and how to protect selves.
M: in the Chinese website.
U: so the radiation hasn’t reached there yet
M: maybe 3 days or so.
U: http://www.drudgereport.com/
M: The radiation leak will travel away from Japan.
U: eventually…depends on how much actually leaks
M: 🙂
U: but it doesn’t look good now
M: have you seen that movie saying about a Russion submarine
M: maybe nuclear submarine
M: When I read that posting, i thought of that movie.
M: The radiation is terrible.
U: i’m not sure
U: tell me more details
M: A group of Russians in that submarine
M: in the way to a mission, the submarine has some problem. The nuclear needs to cool down.
U: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ9Ghym2Wjw&feature=related
U: the Kursk?
M: The caption orders the soldiers to make groups and enter that cabinet to control that equipment manually
M: When the people get out from that cabinet, they vomit and look dying.
M: no sound, but it’s nuclear power plant
U: ok
U: was this a movie?
M: I was telling you about that movie.
M: the last line is about the video you sent to me.
M: That movie is based on a real story in Russia.
U: i’m confused
U: i don’t recall seeing this movie
M: It’s an American movie, I think
U: but there was an actual russian submarine “Kursk” that was nuclear powered and sunk
M: yeah. it should be that one.
M: at last that submarine sunk
M: but the soldiers were rescued by another Russian submarie. In fact, they already asked help to Americans.
M: A lot of shots of that movies is about how to cool down the nuclear reactor.
U: yes..they are thinking cooling down the japanese reactors with sea water
M: Now, it is happening in Japan. People have entered to that radiation area to operate the equipment manually (Note: they are rumors. so far no official information has shown that Japanese have entered that area and controlled the reactor manually.)
M: if they stay in that area long, they will lose their vision.
M: they will feel nausea
M: when they go out, they may die soon.
U: yeah…that is what happens when you get radiation poison
M: That sea will be contaminated.
M: even pacific
U: could be
U: we will see
M: hope the best
U: and the next time North Korea threatens a nuclear attack….do you think South korea and Japan will not react?
U: now the world can see what a mess this nuclear stuff makes
M: Maybe that area should be isolated with an anti-radiation balloon first.
U: and if the north korea starts with there nonsense
U: i think there will be a very strong reponse
M: North Korea’s current gov’t also has its opposition group. It’s not in public. But they must do their efforts to stop it.

Considering Japan’s power around the world, Japan isn’t a small country.

M: I have a question here. I had this question many years ago. Now it jumps into my brain again. are you ready?
M: to answer it
U: i was watching video of the earthquake
M: Japanese have always wanted to move out that little island, or go to occupy some land that’s better.
M: but at last, they still just live on that small island. why?
M: They were droven back to that small island.
U: are you talking about the islands that are called “japan”?
M: yeah
U: its not really a small island
U: i’m not sure what the question is?
M: I have thought of something new. Japanese are not really limited to those small islands.
U: they live in japan
M: Japanese have affects on the whole world now.
M: They had almost bought a whole Hawaii, right?
U: because of the earthquake
M: they had bought that huge “Rockefeller” building in New York?
U: oh
U: yeah…in the 1980s they bought many real estate deals
M: I mean they have some power around the world, even though it seems that their land is quite small.
M: Japan is a big country, in some way.
U: 120 million
M: Geographically it’s a small country.
M: The population isn’t huge.
M: but considering Japanese’s power around the world, it’s a big country.
M: Japanese have controlled some world’s biggest corporations.
U: yes
M: They have some remarkable shares on a lot world’s biggest corporations and get huge benefits.
U: its a very large economy
M: Yeah.
M: They find their way to get better in this world.
U: so…but i’m not sure what the question is?
M: I changed my opinion when I thought it deeper so the original question was gone. 🙂
U: oh…so no question to answer
U: sorry…but i have been looking at videos
U: ok

What can the Chinese learn from Japanese earthquake rescue

U: hi
M: 🙂
M: how r u?
U: i’m good
U: and you
M: Japan has a big earthquake
M: I’m ok, tks
U: i have been reading about it
M: I was arguing online. Just stopped. feel tired of it.
U: what were you arguing about?
M: one topic is: do Chinese need to so praise Japanese
M: China also had an earthquake, just one day earlier
M: 4.2 or so.
M: that one in Japan is 8.8
M: Some Chinese say that Japanese have done a good job about it and always keep in order and clean.
U: yeah….the resue and cleanup will be well organized i think
U: did you see the giant whirlpool?
U: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12709856
M: I saw a bit. I heard that it’s near their nuclear power plant
U: http://www.drudgereport.com/
M: The guy I was arguing with said that some Chinese just lost self-confidence, always said others were good, even made stories to praise Japanese, to say bad about selves.
U: chinese guy?
M: of course.
M: I think that it’s a good thing to find other’s advantages. When you see the distance from others, you will improve yourself. right?
M: If you keep blind to others’ advantages, and always keep blind to your own disadvantages, you lose the chance to improve yourself.
U: i think that is good level-headed thinking
M: 😛
U: The tsunami even affected the coast of california
M: Hawaii has tsunami, right?
M: it’s a disaster
U: nothing really serious in hawaii
U: nothing like what hit japan
M: Japanese really has made this disaster well organized.
M: The scene is quite quiet, clean, and orderly.
… …
M: what do you feel about that earthquake? do you admire Japanese for it?
M: So many postings in that Chinese micro-blog website praise Japanese about this earthquake now.
U: i do not understand that question at all
U: do i admire the japanese for having an earthquake?
M: Do you admire they get things so organized? so orderly?
U: they are taking quick action
M: oh,
U: i don’t really admire it
U: i expect it
M: you think Americans also can do it, right?
U: they are very modern and have the means to react quickly to disasters
U: it depends where in America
M: oh, do you think Taiwanese are capable to do so?
M: or South Kereans?
U: yes…they also have a quick responce
M: A guy posted a picture about eathquake in Yunnan, China. A lot of red banners, flags. That’s Chinese characteristic.
U: its a snapshot of their military prepardness
U: they all have very organized government organizations
M: They are really doing something for the people.
U: they are trained to react quickly to a disaster or military attack
M: not just slogans and propaganda
U: it shows how far behind china is compared to these other asian countries

Sept. 3: 65th anniversary of victory of the Anti-Japanese War

Sept. 3 is the 65th anniversary of victory of the Anti-Japanese War in the mainland of China.

In the mainland of China, before, a lot of the responses or propaganda about it focused on hatred,  now,  more and more focuses on appreciation and reflection.  Be grateful to our heros and reflect why we were so backward.

I think it’s much better. I don’t like to live with hatred. I don’t like my fellows are tortured with hatred either.  Moreover, hatred can’t improve the situation, but appreciation and reflection can.  

I hope that the people live with love.

Here are 2 posts online about it:  

1, It is time to restore history! They are real national souls. We must revise the history textbooks.

Note: The history textbook of the mainland of China says that Kuomintang fought passively against Japan and actively against the Chinese Communists, and the Chinese communists played an important role to kick Japan off China at that war. More and more Chinese people think that soldiers of Kuomintang were brave during the war to protect China and a lot of them died in the battlefield. Some Chinese people even think that Chinese Communists fought passively with Japan and actively against Kuomintang.

2, Today is the 65th anniversary of victory of the anti-Japanese war. Hope that the (Chinese) people won’t drive Japanese cars on the road consciously to show their respect to those heros.