On Mar. 9, 2011
U: hey there
U: what are you doing?
M: I’m watching TV and organizing my things
M: How are you?
U: i’m fine
U: and you?
M: I’m fine. thank you.
M: Today I was surprised. Can you imagine what happened?
U: what happened
M: I got a letter from CIC
M: do you know what CIC is in Canada?
U: what is CIC
M: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
U: oh…and they found out you are a spy?
M: ((mm))
M: They sent me a notice and a booklet.
M: They said I should prepare my citizenship test based on that booklet.
M: So, maybe within another 6 months, I will get Canadian citizenship and a Canadian passport.
U: great
U: then you will have more freedom to travel?
M: I thought I would wait for more than one year.
M: With Canadian passport, it will have much more freedom to travel than a Chinese passport.
M: but if I come back China with a Canadian passport, I will lose my Chinese citizenship.
M: I have planned to keep both.
M: remember?
U: oh yes
U: i guess you have to make a choice
M: yeah, it seems faster than I thought. So no time to make a good plan to realize my old plan.
M: I have a Beijing citizenship now. It has quite a lot priority in China.
M: 😉
U: well…sounds complicated
M: yeah. I will have to give up it too.
U: so…you are deciding to become canadian citizen
U: i think its a good choice
U: canadians are respected around the world
U: you should feel proud to be canadian
U: congratulations!
M: Within 6 months, maybe I will get my Canadian citizenship. Not a Canadian now.