Recommend my web hosting provider, $9.95/year up

Dear friend,

If you need web hosting, you can check out this special offer of my provider SiteGround:

They give one year of hosting and free website transfer for $9.95 only! The offer is not publicly available and is much better than their current website price for the same service.

If you sign I will also receive a free month of hosting!



Just so you know, compare to the web hostings I have used. This one is the best:

1) The email system is fast.
2) unlimited space & traffic.

With arond $71 plan,

1) SSH is available;
2) unlimited parked domain: Parked Domains (Domain pointers) allow you to “point” or “park” additional domain names to your existing hosting account. This will allow users to also reach your website when entering the “parked” or “pointed” domain into their browsers.

One thought on “Recommend my web hosting provider, $9.95/year up

  1. Vee Vee Mc Vee

    1. Create Layer.
    2. With magic wand tool…select outside of image.
    3. Right click and select invert.
    4. Go to top window bar and choose–>Select—>modify–>contract 2 pixels or 20 pixels or however big you want your blur to be.
    5. Go to bottom of layer frame and click—> add layer mask button.
    6. Go to filter—> blur—> Gaussian blur and adjust until desired effect. Probably 1 pixel more than what is selected in step 4.


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