Sell on eBay (43): a tip to save eBay’s commission fees

M: 🙂
M: I found some rules about ebay. When you do your big business on ebay, probably it will be useful to you 😉
U: what did you find
M: every month, ebay will have some special offer to the sellers.
M: the Insertion fee can be much lower for listing items
M: if it offers $0.25 for one item in one month, soon it will offer a much lower insertion fee for one item within this month, e.g. $0.01
U: great information
U: i just don’t pay attention to all that
U: i just do it for fun…for now
M: If it offers $0.05 for each item, most likely it will just offer this special promotion one time in this month.
M: every month, ebay will offer a special promotion for insertion fees
M: 🙂
U: i do notice sometimes they let you add a second photo for free
M: I never get that so far
U: really
U: all of your listings only have one photo anyway
M: because I don’t like to pay that extra fee
U: i know….you cut costs and make maximum profits….Business 101
M: the benefit is low. I need to cut the cost to the minimum

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