M: about that Japanese nuclear plant, the things get serious now. same threat level of Chernobyl now.
U: yes…it turned into a big mess
M: maybe you will dream it tonight.
U: i hope not
U: i hope i don’t end up eating sushi with radiation
M: sushi isn’t good really. I had read a posting with photos long ago
M: but it gave me a deep impression.
M: Sushi isn’t cooked, right?
U: correct
M: some insects that live on that fish are still alive
M: then they will enter the human’s body and live there.
U: that is true with all food
M: On that posting, those insects entered that man’s brain and lived there.
U: so…you mean worms will eat my brian?
M: he felt headache and at last died of it. I feel so uncomfortable now since I think of that potato.
U: what potato
M: * photo
U: oh
U: well…we are all going to die anyway
U: better to die from sushi at age 80 than to die in a car crash at age 44
Japanese nuclear plant crisis vs. sushi
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