U: ((skype))
M: 🙂
M: how r u?
U: hi
U: i’m fine
U: and you
M: I’m good
M: what r u doing now, by the way?
U: reviewing this weeks assignments
M: oh,
U: its getting rather complex now
M: oh, good for you
M: I sort of missed you today. can you guess why?
U: ebay stuff?
M: 😛
M: it’s so general. can you narrow the area?
U: scarves, weapons, and japanese AVs
M: do you like I show it to you?
M: the link
U: loads very slow
U: wow…these are nice
M: do you think they are much better than the scarves I showed you before?
U: this website has a lot of useless flash animation
M: oh, its carves’ sales are much higher than that one I showed you before.
U: yes….they look more colorful and the display photos are better
U: scarves look much better when shown on a model
M: they look sort of luxury. The scarves I showed you before just look nice.
M: right?
U: yes i agree
M: the price is higher too. 😛
U: i see that
M: which one do you think is best?
U: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=1598722511
M: you like pink one?
Which scarves look best in a real man’s eyes (3)
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