M: I’ve been busy on ordering some low price goods for my eBay these days.
U: you should be well-stocked by summer
M: hope so.
M: Just we haven’t talked other topics these days.
M: maybe we should give some time to Kaddafi etc.
U: well…if it seems interesting for you
M: There is a woman in Libya. People are worrying about her.
M: now
U: i remember reading the news
U: she was screaming for help
M: yeah.
M: It has reminded me of some Chinese women who screamed for help.
U: tell me more
M: My English isn’t good. I don’t know much about that Libyan woman.
M: I tell you some sad news about China. do you like to hear?
U: sure
U: i hate sad news
U: but must hear it to understand
M: two weeks ago, I ordered a scale on eBay. It made me think of that old news.
M: Maybe it’s two different stories, or the same one. I’m not sure.
M: An old man was run over by a truck to death on a street.
M: It was recorded by the street camera and posted online
M: This old man was around 70, maybe older
M: He tried to earn some money.
M: He went to the street to collect some old newspapers, used papers, etc.
M: He tried to buy such papers low and he could sell high so he could earn some money for his living
U: go on
U: i’m here
M: He had a scale to measure the papers
M: But in the mainland of China, it’s illegal.
M: The “Chengguan” came
U: really…why?
M: do you remember that young man burnt himself in Ali’s country?
U: yes
M: he sold fruits illegally in the street.
M: same in China
M: understand?
U: yes
U: keep going
M: The local gov’t hires some strong men to deal with those people who do business illegally on the street.
M: Those men are called “Chengguan”
M: Some people think that the gov’t just think that they can’t collect tax etc. from those people and affect them to collect money from other people so they just send some strong men to kick them off the street.
M: The “Chengguan” came and took that old man’s scale away.
M: The “Clengguan” collect some properties to their own pocket by taking those people’s stuff.
M: The old man wanted to get his scale back. I think that he must be very poor and the scale must occupy a big part of his fortune.
M: He was too old and those “Chengguan” was so strong. He couldn’t get this scale back. And the “Chengguan” took his scale and entered the truck to go away.
M: The old man sat on the front of the truck to block it.
M: He still wanted to get his scale back.
M: The driver started the truck and ran over him.
M: He died on the street.
M: The camera recorded it and someone posted it online
U: thats terrible
M: Later on, I read a similar story and watched a video. I can’t tell if they are the same or the different story.
M: it’s really terrible.
U: do you have a link?
M: the reason that those people are “illegal” is that they are not good for those officials to collect money.
M: let me search it.
U: hey
U: i have to go now
M: wait!
U: ok
M: the link
M: at 1:20 it’s the record of the accident
M: have you seen it?
U: its taking a long time to load
M: oh, patience is a virtue
M: is it ok now?
M: it’s just 1:46 long.
M: from 1:20, it’s the record from the street camera.
U: it keeps buffering
M: oh, it’s an old woman, more than 70 year old.
U: ok
U: still buffering
U: i saw it
M: are you crying?
U: no…but its sad
U: ok
U: good night
M: ok,
M: good night
U: ((hug))
M: ((hug))
Chengguan ran over an old lady to death on the street with their “law enforcement vehicle” in China
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